ナポレオンヒル PMA

Napoleon Hill 039 s PMA: Science of Success Course - An Introduction PMA Science of Success【電子書籍】 Dr. Robert C. Worstell【中古】 PMA 成功する心構え 彼らは逆境をバネにして成功を手に入れた! ナポレオン ヒル ブックス/サミュエル A.サイパート(著者),田中孝顕(訳者)


  • <p><strong>Almost unknown since his passing,</strong> Napoleon Hill polished his philosophy of individual achievement into a final version that updated and explained his perennial bestseller "Think and Grow Rich".</p> <p>His final version is more workable and easier to apply than ever - in a course of 17 lessons.</p> <p>This course gives exact theory and practical examples of how you can personally realize: "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."</p> <p>And it's true for any person who picks up and applies this material. No matter what education they've recieved, or their background, or where they live.</p> <p>During the painstaking research to recover and relaunch the wildly successful PMA: Science of Success Course, a set of Napoleon Hill's classic television lectures were uncovered.</p> <p>These lectures were carefullly transcibed, edited, and collected into a single short manual for study. They now form a clear and simple int...


  • サミュエル・A.サイパート(著者),田中孝顕(訳者)販売会社/発売会社:騎虎書房発売年月日:1993/12/25JAN:9784886932686
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