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  • 発売日 2023/11/25 メーカー セガ 型番 - JAN 4974365741433 備考 商品解説■「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク ミニ色紙コレクション 第29弾」が登場です。【商品詳細】サイズ:約W120×H135mm 関連商品はこちらから セガ 


  • <p>Maria Hearsy Bernard is a wealthy, recently divorced mom with no plan and nowhere to live. So she hops in her Cadillac and drives from Seattle to LA to spend quality time with her rock star sister.</p> <p>…who is in Missouri, planning her secret wedding. A wedding Maria is supposed to be at.</p> <p>Luckily, her sister’s friend, Oz Garcia, the outrageously handsome and terribly sweet guitarist for the up-and-coming rock band Demigoddess Revival, is house-sitting and offers to let her stay with him.</p> <p>Then he offers to go to the wedding with her.</p> <p>Then she offers to sleep with him.</p> <p>And that’s when things get really complicated, because Maria has also offered to finance Oz’s fledgling band.</p> <p>Which means she’s now his boss.</p> <p><em>This book contains hot rock stars, a single dad, a totally adorable toddler, a super sexy rock ballad, a band on the verge of success, and a girl who may be falling for the guy from the wrong side ...


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  • <p>The book explores how weak presidents directly or indirectly elected can still play a crucial role in the political arena. Weak presidents have been distinguished from strong ones by relying on the evaluation of the powers they display according to the constitution. Six Western European countries are analysed: Germany and Italy which present a consistent constitutional design (as weak presidents are elected indirectly), and Austria, Ireland, Finland and Portugal that present inconsistent constitutional design (as weak presidents are elected directly). In contrast to much of the existing comparative works on presidential powers and activism, the book emphasises the role and the use of informal powers beyond that of formal ones. In particular, a definition and a typology of informal powers are provided as well as an empirical investigation on informal presidential activism. The positive outcome of presidential informal interventions are studied by relying on an interactionist app...


  • 発売日 2023/11/25 メーカー セガ 型番 - JAN 4974365741433 備考 商品解説■「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク ミニ色紙コレクション 第29弾」が登場です。【商品詳細】サイズ:約W120×H135mm 関連商品はこちらから セガ 


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  • 発売日 2023/11/25 メーカー セガ 型番 - JAN 4974365741433 備考 商品解説■「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク ミニ色紙コレクション 第29弾」が登場です。【商品詳細】サイズ:約W120×H135mm 関連商品はこちらから セガ 


  • 発売日 2023/11/25 メーカー セガ 型番 - JAN 4974365741433 備考 商品解説■「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク ミニ色紙コレクション 第29弾」が登場です。【商品詳細】サイズ:約W120×H135mm 関連商品はこちらから セガ 


  • <p><strong>ARE YOU READY TO FREE YOURSELF FROM THE CLUTCHES OF THE ANXIETY DEMON?</strong></p> <p>Do you want to understand everything you need to know about anxiety, have a program to help you reduce its impact on your life, and eventually free yourself from its paralyzing effects upon you? If so, The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook is for you. This is book two in <em><strong>The Fix Yourself Empowerment Series.</strong></em> It follows the award-winning The Fix Yourself Handbook, the series' flagship book, which debuted in December 2019.</p> <p>Consistent with <em>The Fix Yourself Handbook</em>'s approach, the reader is taken on a process journey-but with an interesting twist. Anxiety is being presented as though it is a living monster that has invaded your body and mind. In the book's text, you will see the terms anxiety demon, beast, and monster used to describe the condition. The most important point to understand is that anxiety is not who you are; it is wh...


  • <p>Corruption! Corruption!! Corruption!!! Wherever you turn people are talking about corruption. Corruption is prevalent in society. It is seen in the high corridors of power, among the movers and shakers of society, it is present in business; it is also present among the so-called "common" people.</p> <p><strong>What is corruption?</strong></p> <p>Corruption has been defined in many ways.</p> <p>A simple definition given in the Oxford dictionary is, "widespread moral deterioration."</p> <p>The classic definition, followed by the World Bank and Transparency International, views corruption as "the use of one's public position for illegitimate private gains."</p> <p>Information International based in Lebanon adopted the following definition:</p> <p>"Corruption is the behavior of private individuals or public officials who deviate from set responsibilities and use their position of power in order to serve private ends and secure private gains." (Lebanon An...


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  • <p>Dublin, 1830.</p> <p>When his da gets injured, Hugh 'Scholar' O'Dare has to leave school to work as a chimney sweeper. The job is scary and dangerous, but it brings him into the home of the most famous man in Ireland, Daniel O'Connell, who takes an interest in the young boy's life.</p> <p>Then Scholar comes across another young sweeper whose circumstances are much worse than his own, and a shocking secret comes to light. Can he help this new friend escape a life of darkness?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>When you look at the world through the lens of upfront carbon, everything changes</strong></p> <p>Think that buying an electric car or switching to a heat pump is going to save the planet? Think again. We must cut carbon emissions to mitigate climate change. But emissions are not produced just by driving your car or heating your home. “Upfront carbon” refers to all emissions involved in <em>making</em> your car, your home, or any other item.</p> <p>As we seek to incorporate more renewables and less fossil fuels into our energy supply, upfront carbon becomes increasingly dominant compared to operating emissions, yet they are often ignored. This is why the pursuit of sufficiency, or making and buying just what we need, has become a powerful strategy for tackling climate change.</p> <p>By focusing on consumption rather than production, <em>The Story of Upfront Carbon</em>:</p> <ul> <li>Demystifies the complex web of cradle-to-grave life-cycle ...


  • <p>President Biden's arrival at the White House has signaled the start of a new era. Biden faced numerous significant obstacles due to Trump's administration's overreach and the recent energy crisis in the United States and Europe due to the raging Russia-Ukraine conflict. Despite the United States' dominance in energy resources, which were mostly derived from its reserves. Because the United States is the global leader and Europe's ally, Europe's headache is also America's headache.</p> <p>THE NEW OPINION Authored by Walter Rudolf, a specialist in energy, international relations, and economics, the report has proposed a fresh approach for US President Biden to address the looming energy problem in EU nations. As a result of Russia-Ukraine hostilities, there are stumbling blocks in the gas supply chain in Russia, and climate change is also a major concern that requires immediate action to avoid additional global warming.</p> <p>Even the world's economy requires immediate a...


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