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  • <p>The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor changed the lives of almost every American, and began the process of putting 17 million of them in uniform to fight in World War II. Yet in the long and fascinating body of literature about this terrible event, most historians have neglected the compelling and moving accounts of the surviving military personnel and civilians who were on Oahu at the time of the attack, at dawn on December 7, 1941.</p> <p><em>Eyewitness to Infamy</em> is their storyーthe astonishing oral history of the brutal attack that pushed the United States into WWII on the side of the Allies: the British, French, and Russians. With the help of the Pearl Harbor Survivors’ Association, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the American Legion, Paul Travers collected more than 200 eyewitness accounts from which he painstakingly selected those critical to this behind-the-scenes narrative account. With breathtaking clarity, the narratives cover the full range of military a...


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  • <p><strong>What if your life worked out perfectly . . . for someone else?</strong></p> <p>It's been 18 years since Ava spent the summer on the Greek island of Corfu, but she has never forgotten what happened during those months - or who she left behind.</p> <p>Now single, estranged from her family, and preparing to wave her daughter off to university, Ava's life seems a million miles away from the one she dreamed about as a teenager - a life now being lived by her sister instead.</p> <p>When Ava decides to return to Corfu for the summer, she knows she must finally face the place and the people that broke her heart. But with old resentments festering, long-buried secrets lurking, and familiar feelings resurfacing, it looks set to be a holiday that will change all their lives forever. . .</p> <p>***</p> <p><em><strong>Praise for Isabelle Broom:</strong></em></p> <p>'Gloriously escapist, unashamedly romantic, witty and hugely enjoyable'<br /> <e...


  • <p>Titien - Sa vie et ses oeuvres<br /> Gustave Planche, critique littéraire français (1808?1857)<br /> <br /> Ce livre numérique présente «Titien - Sa vie et ses oeuvres», de Gustave Planche, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières dynamique permet d'accéder directement aux différentes sections.<br /> <br /> Table des matières<br /> -01- Pre?sentation<br /> -02- TITIEN, SA VIE ET SES OEUVRES<br /> -03- NOTE</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Romanistik - Lateinamerikanische Sprachen, Literatur, Landeskunde, Note: 1,0, Universit?t Leipzig, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht auf der Grundlage der Demokratietheorie und unter Einbeziehung von Ans?tzen zur Typologisierung von Demokratien und Kriterien zur Demokratiemessung und Untersuchung defekter Demokratien bestimmte Aspekte in der Umsetzung von demokratischen Prinzipien in Costa Rica. Die Analyse selbst basiert ausschlie?lich auf in Printmedien erschienenen Beitr?gen zur politischen Situation in Costa Rica. Das Ziel der Arbeit besteht darin, festzustellen, ob Costa Rica auch heute noch als Musterdemokratie Lateinamerikas gelten kann oder ob auch die Demokratie dieses Landes - wie so viele andere in Lateinamerika - Defizite aufweist. Eine kurze Analyse der f?r das Land gegebenen Prognosen soll einen Ausblick f?r die Zukunft Costa Ricas geben.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい...


  • <p>Published in 1557, Nikolaus Federmann’s <em>Jndianische Historia</em> is a fascinating narrative describing the German military commander’s incursion into what is now Venezuela. Designed not only for classroom use but also for the use of scholars, this English translation is accompanied by a critical introduction that contextualizes Federmann’s firsthand account within the broader Spanish colonial system.</p> <p>Having gained the rights to colonize Venezuela from the Spanish Crown in 1528, the Welser merchant house of Augsburg, Germany, sent mercenaries, settlers, and miners to set up colonial structures. The venture never turned a profit, and operations ceased in 1546 after two Welser officials were murdered. Federmann’s text gives an account of his foray into the interior of Venezuela in 1530?31. It describes violent first contact with Indigenous peoples as well as Federmann’s communication strategies, how he managed to prevail in hostile terrain, and how he related t...


  • <p>Want many things and have a great desire to get and achieve them, but when you try to take the first step to achieve any of them you feel as if there are hidden forces prevent you from taking even one small step in the way of achieving.</p> <p>One thing you should know very well that is there are three forces that control you, three forces within you that make you behave and speak in a certain way that makes you love and addictive things, hate and reject other things and they also make you say and do things without think or even feel.</p> <p>These forces are very similar to monsters that have the same age as you, when you ware kid these monsters ware also young and weak and it was possible to control them with ease, so when you were kid you were satisfied and happy and absolute freedom, because all of these forces were working with each other in one direction just for giving you the control and the fun you need.</p> <p>When you grow up, these forces become like mons...


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  • <p>Umweltzerst?rung und Klimawandel haben die Erdoberfl?che in naher Zukunft weitgehend unbewohnbar gemacht. Einst fruchtbare Landstriche sind nun lebensfeindlich. Mitten in der W?ste steht eine der letzten Festungen und Zuflucht der Menschheit, die Kuppelstadt Olympus. Niemand verl?sst diese ungesehen und niemand von au?erhalb darf sie betreten.</p> <p>Als eines Tages eine fremde Frau in der W?ste auftaucht und um Einlass bittet, stellt sich die Frage, wer sie ist und wieso sie so viel ?ber die Entstehung der Station und ihre Einwohner wei?. Entstammt sie tats?chlich Olympus oder ist sie ein cleverer Schachzug ihrer Feinde, die von deren Reichtum profitieren wollen?</p> <p><em><strong>?Ozonos</strong> <strong>Earth“</strong></em> ist der 1. Teil der gleichnamigen Reihe und verbindet Near Future Science Fiction mit Action und Drama. K?nstliche Intelligenz, die Frage nach Menschlichkeit und genetischer Manipulation gemischt mit Anlehnungen an die griechische Myt...


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  • <p>"Escape from Dark Places" tells the author’s personal story of how she and her son battled anxiety and depression. The author takes you on a journey to answer questions such as, How big is the problem? Why is the number of those suffering trending upward? And how can we help reverse the trend and stop the stigma? The author takes a cross-disciplinary approach, drawing on history, psychology, science, and philosophy, to construct a viable solution. "Escape from Dark Places" provides the background and framework for change, with practical guidelines for engaging young people and their parents, grandparents, mentors, and church leaders in effective intergenerational dialogue.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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