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  • <p> Allowing your body to relax is part of taking proper care of the body. Soothing relaxation helps the nervous system and has many other health benefits as well, including stress reduction and the control of stress-related conditions like acid reflux. One of the ways to relax yourself is to indulge in some head to toe beauty pampering.</p> <p> Luckily, there are plenty of simple, inexpensive tricks you can use to help you look and feel your best in no time at all. Many women find that the perfect time to relax is during bath time. Others prefer to unwind at the spa and loose a few inches at the same time.</p> <p> Whether at home or at a luxurious spa, there are many beauty activities that you can start making a habit of that won’t take much time for you to accomplish than your normal routine. For instance, great feet are one element of looking pretty. Maintaining beautiful hands is also important for maintaining a youthful look at any age. Your hands get the most ex...


  • ITEM INFORMATION - アイテムインフォメーション 商品名 プレミアムビューティー エステティックジェル 2個set 全成分 水、BG、カルボマー、水溶性コラーゲン、加水分解コラーゲン、水溶性コラーゲンクロスポリマー、ヒアルロン酸Na、加水分解ヒアルロン酸、ヒアルロン酸ヒドロキシプロピルトリモニウム、セイヨウキズタ葉/茎エキス、クララ根エキス、チャ葉エキスアルニカ花エキス、スギナエキス、セイヨウオトギリソウ花/葉/茎エキス、マグワ根皮エキス、セイヨウアカマツ球果エキス、ローズマリー葉エキス、ローマカミツレ花エキス、ベニバナ花エキス、クレマティス葉エキス、セイヨウナツユキソウ花エキス、ヒバマタエキス、ホップ花エキス、レモン果実エキス、カミツレ花エキス、キュウリ果実エキス、セイヨウトチノキ種子エキス、セイヨウニワトコ花エキス、ゼニアオイ花エキス、トウキンセンカ花エキス、ハマメリス葉エキス、パリエタリアエキス、ブドウ葉エキス、フユボダイジュ花エキス、ヤグルマギク花エキス、オドリコソウ花/葉/茎エキス、オランダガラシ葉/茎エキス、ゴボウ根エキス、ニンニク根エキス、エタノール、水酸化K、EDTA-2Na、フェノキシエタノール...


  • <p> Being beautiful is a desire that almost everyone wishes to see getting accomplished. Though it is believed that beauty is god gifted, it can surely be enhanced to a great extent, by working upon one’s persona. Moreover, beauty is something subjective, which cannot be generalized. So, for being attractive, one just needs to pay attention on his or her appearance as well his character. In addition, being healthy is also a prime requisite for looking beautiful.</p> <p> Standing tall, feeling confident, believing in yourself -- these are all important ways to feel your best. But as any woman who's ever stood in front of a mirror can tell you, beauty secrets count too!</p> <p> While the way we look may be only one part of who we are, it is still a part of us. And feeling that you look your best can be a real confidence booster.</p> <p> Looking your best doesn't have to be complicated or expensive, either. Experts say most of us really only need to pay attention to a few...


  • <p><strong>For women who’ve learned to be their own worst enemies, this in-your-face guide offers powerful tools to break free from the cultural messages that feed negative body image and stand in the way of becoming your most authentic and radiant self.</strong></p> <p>Have you ever wondered what you could accomplish with the time you spend worrying about your body or appearance? In a society overwhelmed with messages of how women should be and appear, it’s easy to internalize these ideas and become our own harshest critics. <em>It’s time for a change.</em> It’s time to stop squashing ourselves into painfully tight “should-be” boxes and celebrate our bodies for what they areーdivine tools to reach our highest aspirations and experience the full fabulousness of life.</p> <p>In this book, you’ll find a practical program for healing body image dissatisfaction using a unique blend of wisdomーfrom yoga to Buddhism and Taoism to shamanism and more. Weaving the author’s ...


  • ITEM INFORMATION - アイテムインフォメーション 商品名 プレミアムビューティー エステティックジェル 3個set 全成分 水、BG、カルボマー、水溶性コラーゲン、加水分解コラーゲン、水溶性コラーゲンクロスポリマー、ヒアルロン酸Na、加水分解ヒアルロン酸、ヒアルロン酸ヒドロキシプロピルトリモニウム、セイヨウキズタ葉/茎エキス、クララ根エキス、チャ葉エキスアルニカ花エキス、スギナエキス、セイヨウオトギリソウ花/葉/茎エキス、マグワ根皮エキス、セイヨウアカマツ球果エキス、ローズマリー葉エキス、ローマカミツレ花エキス、ベニバナ花エキス、クレマティス葉エキス、セイヨウナツユキソウ花エキス、ヒバマタエキス、ホップ花エキス、レモン果実エキス、カミツレ花エキス、キュウリ果実エキス、セイヨウトチノキ種子エキス、セイヨウニワトコ花エキス、ゼニアオイ花エキス、トウキンセンカ花エキス、ハマメリス葉エキス、パリエタリアエキス、ブドウ葉エキス、フユボダイジュ花エキス、ヤグルマギク花エキス、オドリコソウ花/葉/茎エキス、オランダガラシ葉/茎エキス、ゴボウ根エキス、ニンニク根エキス、エタノール、水酸化K、EDTA-2Na、フェノキシエタノール...


  • ITEM INFORMATION - アイテムインフォメーション 商品名 プレミアムビューティー エステティックジェル 全成分 水、BG、カルボマー、水溶性コラーゲン、加水分解コラーゲン、水溶性コラーゲンクロスポリマー、ヒアルロン酸Na、加水分解ヒアルロン酸、ヒアルロン酸ヒドロキシプロピルトリモニウム、セイヨウキズタ葉/茎エキス、クララ根エキス、チャ葉エキスアルニカ花エキス、スギナエキス、セイヨウオトギリソウ花/葉/茎エキス、マグワ根皮エキス、セイヨウアカマツ球果エキス、ローズマリー葉エキス、ローマカミツレ花エキス、ベニバナ花エキス、クレマティス葉エキス、セイヨウナツユキソウ花エキス、ヒバマタエキス、ホップ花エキス、レモン果実エキス、カミツレ花エキス、キュウリ果実エキス、セイヨウトチノキ種子エキス、セイヨウニワトコ花エキス、ゼニアオイ花エキス、トウキンセンカ花エキス、ハマメリス葉エキス、パリエタリアエキス、ブドウ葉エキス、フユボダイジュ花エキス、ヤグルマギク花エキス、オドリコソウ花/葉/茎エキス、オランダガラシ葉/茎エキス、ゴボウ根エキス、ニンニク根エキス、エタノール、水酸化K、EDTA-2Na、フェノキシエタノール、メチル...
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