culture code

THE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法 ダニエル コイル/著 楠木建/監訳 桜田直美/訳The Culture Code An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do【電子書籍】 Clotaire RapailleThe Code Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America【電子書籍】 Margaret O 039 MaraTHE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法/ダニエル コイル/楠木建/桜田直美【1000円以上送料無料】The Orange Code How ING Direct Succeeded by Being a Rebel with a Cause【電子書籍】 Arkadi KuhlmannThe Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups CULTURE CODE Daniel CoyleThe Leadership Code Five Rules to Lead by【電子書籍】 Dave UlrichTHE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法 ダニエル コイルTHE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法【電子書籍】 ダニエル コイルTHE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法/ダニエル コイル/楠木建/桜田直美【3000円以上送料無料】The Culture Code The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups【電子書籍】 Daniel CoyleThe Developer 039 s Code What Real Programmers Do【電子書籍】 Ka Wai CheungSpiral Dynamics in Action Humanity 039 s Master Code【電子書籍】 Prof. Don Edward BeckThe Millionaire Fastlane Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime【電子書籍】 MJ DeMarcoYour Quantum Breakthrough Code The Simple Technique That Brings Everlasting Joy and Success【電子書籍】 Sandra Anne TaylorRules of Work, The A Definitive Code For Personal Success【電子書籍】 Richard TemplarBlockchain and the Law The Rule of Code【電子書籍】 Primavera De Filippi【中古】 THE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法/ダニエル コイル(著者),桜田直美(訳者),楠木建(訳者)THE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法財富背後的法律密碼 法律如何創造財富與不平等The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality【電子書籍】 塔琳娜.皮斯托(Katharina Pistor)


  • ■ISBN:9784761273828★日時指定・銀行振込をお受けできない商品になりますタイトルTHE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法 ダニエル・コイル/著 楠木建/監訳 桜田直美/訳ふりがなざかるちや−こ−どCULTURECODEさいきようち−むおつくるほうほう発売日201812出版社かんき出版ISBN9784761273828大きさ403,10P 19cm著者名ダニエル・コイル/著 楠木建/監訳 桜田直美/訳


  • <p>Why are people around the world so very different? What makes us live, buy, even love as we do? The answers are in the codes.</p> <p>In <em>The Culture Code</em>, internationally revered cultural anthropologist and marketing expert Clotaire Rapaille reveals for the first time the techniques he has used to improve profitability and practices for dozens of Fortune 100 companies. His groundbreaking revelations shed light not just on business but on the way every human being acts and lives around the world.</p> <p>Rapaille’s breakthrough notion is that we acquire a silent system of codes as we grow up within our culture. These codesーthe Culture Codeーare what make us American, or German, or French, and they invisibly shape how we behave in our personal lives, even when we are completely unaware of our motives. What’s more, we can learn to crack the codes that guide our actions and achieve new understanding of why we do the things we do.</p> <p>Rapaille has used the...


  • <p>**One of New York Magazine's best books on Silicon Valley!</p> <p>The true, behind-the-scenes history of the people who built Silicon Valley and shaped Big Tech in America**</p> <p>Long before Margaret O'Mara became one of our most consequential historians of the American-led digital revolution, she worked in the White House of Bill Clinton and Al Gore in the earliest days of the commercial Internet. There she saw firsthand how deeply intertwined Silicon Valley was with the federal government--and always had been--and how shallow the common understanding of the secrets of the Valley's success actually was. Now, after almost five years of pioneering research, O'Mara has produced the definitive history of Silicon Valley for our time, the story of mavericks and visionaries, but also of powerful institutions creating the framework for innovation, from the Pentagon to Stanford University. It is also a story of a community that started off remarkably homogeneous and tight-kni...


  • 著者ダニエル・コイル(著) 楠木建(監訳) 桜田直美(訳)出版社かんき出版発売日2018年12月ISBN9784761273828ページ数403,10Pキーワードビジネス書 ざかるちやーこーどCULTURECODEさいきよう ザカルチヤーコードCULTURECODEサイキヨウ こいる だにえる COYLE コイル ダニエル COYLE9784761273828内容紹介チームの文化は、メンバーが「誰」であるかで決まるのではない。メンバーが「何」をするかで決まる。本書を読めば、あなたは最強のチームをつくる力を手に入れることができる。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次Introduction 2足す2が10になるとき/1 安全な環境をつくる(チームに必要な環境—腐ったリンゴとおいしいリンゴ/チームの化学反応—「いつものこと」が10億ドルのビジネスを生む/結束力のあるチーム—クリスマス休戦、1時間の実験、核ミサイル発射台 ほか)/2 弱さを共有する(弱さを見せる—私にしてほしいことがあったら言ってくれ/弱さのループ—自分には弱点があり、助けが必要だ/驚異のチームワーク—ネイビーシールズ、コメディと窃盗の集団 ほか)/3 共通の目標を持つ(チームの価値観と目標の共有—311語の言葉が持つ力/目的意識の高いチー...


  • <p>How championing consumers led to ING Direct's revolutionary rise in the banking industry</p> <p>In an industry dominated by big banks with little patience for their customers, ING Direct has always strived to be different-a rebel with a cause, if you will-and in doing so, they've become the most successful online banking venture in history.</p> <p><em>The Orange Code</em> recounts ING Direct's intriguing story, explaining the philosophy of its founder Arkadi Kuhlmann-who believes in the power of individuals to control their financial destiny-and his long-running partnership with Bruce Philp, the branding consultant who helped him make ING Direct a cause to its own people and a household name across North America.</p> <ul> <li>Discusses the unconventional approach to business strategy, leadership, and management that built ING Direct</li> <li>Written by the company's CEO, Arkadi Kuhlmann, the driving force behind this unique company and its approach and Bru...


  • CULTURE CODE Daniel Coyle BANTAM TRADE2018 Hardcover English ISBN:9780804176989 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p><strong>What makes a great leader?</strong></p> <p>It's a question that has been tackled by thousands. In fact, there are literally tens of thousands of leadership studies, theories, frameworks, models, and recommended best practices. But where are the clear, simple answers we need for our daily work lives? Are there any?</p> <p>Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood, and Kate Sweetman set out to answer these questions-to crack the code of leadership. Drawing on decades of research experience, the authors conducted extensive interviews with a variety of respected CEOs, academics, experienced executives, and seasoned consultants-and heard the same five essentials repeated again and again. These five rules became <em>The Leadership Code</em>.</p> <p>In <em>The Leadership Code</em>, the authors break down great leadership into day-to-day actions, so that you know what to do Monday morning. Crack the leadership code-and take your leadership to the next level.</p>画面...


  • ダニエル・コイル 桜田 直美 かんき出版ザカルチャーコードサイキョウチームヲツクルホウホウ ダニエルコイル サクラダ ナオミ 発行年月:2018年12月05日 予約締切日:2018年11月02日 ページ数:412p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784761273828 コイル,ダニエル(Coyle,Daniel) ニューヨーク・タイムズ・ベストセラー作家。2012年、ウィリアム・ヒル・スポーツ・ブック・オブ・ザ・イヤーをハミルトンとともに受賞。「アウトサイド」誌コントリビューティング・エディター。大リーグのクリーブランド・インディアンス特別アドバイザーも務める。子供の学校がある時期はクリーブランド州オハイオで、夏の間はアラスカ州ホーマーで暮らす(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) Introduction 2足す2が10になるとき/1 安全な環境をつくる(チームに必要な環境ー腐ったリンゴとおいしいリンゴ/チームの化学反応ー「いつものこと」が10億ドルのビジネスを生む/結束力のあるチームークリスマス休戦、1時間の実験、核ミサイル発射台 ほか)/2 弱さを共有する(弱さを見せるー私にしてほしいことがあったら言ってくれ/弱さのループー自分には弱点が...


  • <p>NYタイムズ・ベストセラー作家が解き明かす「最強チームをつくる極意」</p> <p>大きな成功を収めるチームには、いったいどんな秘密があるのか?<br /> 未来のリーダーが結束力のあるチームをつくるには、どんなツールを使えばいいのか?</p> <p>成功しているチームの文化はどこから生まれるのか?<br /> どうやって自分のチームにその文化を創り、そして維持していくのか?<br /> チームの文化に問題があるなら、どうやって改善すればいいのだろうか?</p> <p>本書に登場するのは、Google、デザイン企業IDEO、ピクサー、アメリカ海軍ネイビーシールズ、全米プロバスケットボールのサンアントニオ・スパーズなど、高度なチームワークを誇る集団だ。<br /> チームワークは魔法ではない。効果的な協調と協力は、3つのカギとなるスキルから生まれる。このスキルを身につければ、多様なメンバーで構成されたチームが、共通の目標に向かって一致団結することができる。<br /> 著者のダニエル・コイルは、前述のプロ集団に加え、ネット通販のザッポスから、コメディ集団のアップライト・シチズンズ・ブリゲード、さらには悪名高い宝石泥棒集団まで、幅広い...


  • 著者ダニエル・コイル(著) 楠木建(監訳) 桜田直美(訳)出版社かんき出版発売日2018年12月ISBN9784761273828ページ数403,10Pキーワードビジネス書 ざかるちやーこーどCULTURECODEさいきよう ザカルチヤーコードCULTURECODEサイキヨウ こいる だにえる COYLE コイル ダニエル COYLE9784761273828内容紹介チームの文化は、メンバーが「誰」であるかで決まるのではない。メンバーが「何」をするかで決まる。本書を読めば、あなたは最強のチームをつくる力を手に入れることができる。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次Introduction 2足す2が10になるとき/1 安全な環境をつくる(チームに必要な環境—腐ったリンゴとおいしいリンゴ/チームの化学反応—「いつものこと」が10億ドルのビジネスを生む/結束力のあるチーム—クリスマス休戦、1時間の実験、核ミサイル発射台 ほか)/2 弱さを共有する(弱さを見せる—私にしてほしいことがあったら言ってくれ/弱さのループ—自分には弱点があり、助けが必要だ/驚異のチームワーク—ネイビーシールズ、コメディと窃盗の集団 ほか)/3 共通の目標を持つ(チームの価値観と目標の共有—311語の言葉が持つ力/目的意識の高いチー...


  • <p><strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? The author of <em>The Talent Code</em> unlocks the secrets of highly successful groups and provides tomorrow’s leaders with the tools to build a cohesive, motivated culture.</strong></p> <p><strong>“A truly brilliant, mesmerizing read that demystifies the magic of great groups.”ーAdam Grant, author of <em>Think Again</em></strong></p> <p><strong>A <em>BLOOMBERG</em> AND <em>LIBRARY JOURNAL</em> BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR</strong></p> <p>Where does great culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing?</p> <p>In <em>The Culture Code,</em> Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s most successful organizationsーincluding the U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team Six, IDEO, and the San Antonio Spursーand reveals what makes them tick. He demystifies the culture-building process by identifying three key skills that generate cohesion and cooperati...


  • <p>You're already a great coder, but awesome coding chops aren't always enough to get you through your toughest projects. You need these 50+ nuggets of wisdom. Veteran programmers: reinvigorate your passion for developing web applications. New programmers: here's the guidance you need to get started. With this book, you'll think about your job in new and enlightened ways.</p> <p><em>The Developer's Code</em> isn't about the code you write, it's about the code you live by.</p> <p>There are no trite superlatives here. Packed with lessons learned from more than a decade of software development experience, author Ka Wai Cheung takes you through the programming profession from nearly every angle to uncover ways of sustaining a healthy connection with your work.</p> <p>You'll see how to stay productive even on the longest projects. You'll create a workflow that works with you, not against you. And you'll learn how to deal with clients whose goals don't align with your ow...


  • <p><strong>A more effective leadership model for the new business environment.</strong></p> <p><em>Spiral Dynamics in Action</em> explores the evolution of modern business, and provides a model for moving forward amidst ever-increasing complexity and change. Only by truly understanding other people's perspectives can you bring them together to achieve the extraordinary, and this book provides a field guide to the different motivations, behaviours and talents in your team to help you lead diverse groups more effectively. Focused on action over theory, the Spiral Dynamics model includes cutting-edge leadership practices, management systems, processes, procedures and techniques to help you bring about real-world results.</p> <p>The nature of change is consistent, but that doesn't make it any less enormous or complex to deal with. As a business leader, you are tasked with not only navigating change yourself, but also guiding others through the maze successfully. This b...


  • <p>Is the financial plan of mediocrity -- a dream-stealing, soul-sucking dogma known as "The Slowlane" your plan for creating wealth? You know how it goes; it sounds a lil something like this:</p> <p><em>"Go to school, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks mocha lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your life-savings to the stock market, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich."</em></p> <p>The mainstream financial gurus have sold you blindly down the river to a great financial gamble: You've been hoodwinked to believe that wealth can be created by recklessly trusting in the <strong>uncontrollable</strong> and <strong>unpredictable</strong> markets: the <strong>housing market</strong>, the <strong>stock market</strong>, and the <strong>job market</strong>. This impotent financial gamble dubiously promises <em><strong>wealth...


  • <p><strong>Do the patterns of your life seem to have a momentum of their own? This is your opportunity to break through!</strong></p> <p>Your old, reactive patterns of unknown negative energy don’t have to direct your destiny any longer. In this groundbreaking new book, Sandra Anne Taylor reveals <em><strong>Your Quantum Breakthrough Code</strong></em>, the amazingly easy yet empowering technique that can completely reroute the direction of your life. Things will never be the same when you learn:</p> <p>? How to ignite the breakthrough forces that attract a spectacular reality<br /> ? How to decode harmful energies and code healthy and successful patterns<br /> ? The single breakthrough code that you can use anytime, anyplace<br /> ? The surefire rapid visualization and affirmation technique<br /> ? The powerful Peace Process that creates a tranquil and magnetic energy</p> <p>Get ready for a quantum breakthrough! These fascinating, unbelievably quic...


  • <p>For some people, work is a breeze. They glide effortlessly onwards and upwards, always saying and doing the right thing, getting paid more, getting promotions, getting results.</p> <p>Is there something successful people know that we don’t? You bet there is. They know the rules of work.</p> <p>These rules are the guiding principles that will improve what you do and how you do it. They will give you the unmistakable air of confidence that will win you admiration, respect, and help you towards your next promotion. In this new edition of the international bestseller, Richard Templar has added 10 new Rules to help you get heard, noticed, acknowledged and followed.</p> <p><strong>The full text downloaded to your computer</strong></p> <p>With eBooks you can:</p> <ul> <li>search for key concepts, words and phrases</li> <li>make highlights and notes as you study</li> <li>share your notes with friends</li> </ul> <p><strong>eBooks</strong> are ...


  • <p><strong>“Blockchains will matter crucially; this book, beautifully and clearly written for a wide audience, powerfully demonstrates how.”<br /> ーLawrence Lessig</strong></p> <p><strong>“Attempts to do for blockchain what the likes of Lawrence Lessig and Tim Wu did for the Internet and cyberspaceーexplain how a new technology will upend the current legal and social order… <em>Blockchain and the Law</em> is not just a theoretical guide. It’s also a moral one.”<br /> ー<em>Fortune</em></strong></p> <p>Bitcoin has been hailed as an Internet marvel and decried as the preferred transaction vehicle for criminals. It has left nearly everyone without a computer science degree confused: how do you “mine” money from ones and zeros?</p> <p>The answer lies in a technology called blockchain. A general-purpose tool for creating secure, decentralized, peer-to-peer applications, blockchain technology has been compared to the Internet in both form and impact. Blo...


  • ダニエル・コイル(著者),桜田直美(訳者),楠木建(訳者)販売会社/発売会社:かんき出版発売年月日:2018/12/05JAN:9784761273828


  • ダニエル・コイル/著 楠木建/監訳 桜田直美/訳本詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください出版社名かんき出版出版年月2018年12月サイズ403,10P 19cmISBNコード9784761273828ビジネス 仕事の技術 リーダーシップ・コーチングTHE CULTURE CODE 最強チームをつくる方法ザ カルチヤ- コ-ド CULTURE CODE サイキヨウ チ-ム オ ツクル ホウホウ原タイトル:THE CULTURE CODE※ページ内の情報は告知なく変更になることがあります。あらかじめご了承ください登録日2018/12/05


  • <p>■首見由法學教授從法律、法規、條款的角度來探討,造成貧富差距、社會不公的手段。<br /> ■法律已成為國家、企業、富人等分配財富,製造社會不平等、貧富不均的一個意外工具。<br /> ■暢銷書《二十一世紀資本論》作者Thomas Piketty推薦:這是一本引人入勝的書,它證明了資本的權利如何深植於國際法律體制中,是一本必讀之作。</p> <p>** 財富分配不均也是暴政 <br /> ?裡有利可圖,?裡的法規就會鬆?。這樣可以??<br /> ?以為的「依法治國」其實是「資本治國」!</p> <p>法治是rule of law還是rule by law,有巨大的差別。<br /> ?開21世紀資本論未解之謎,<br /> 破解法律如何決定財富分配、造成社會不平等的底層根源,<br /> ?一定要?什麼是創造資本的法律密碼。**</p> <p>「在所有形式的暴政中,最沒有吸引力、最粗俗的暴政,就是純粹財富的暴政,富豪統治的暴政。」<br /> ──第二十六屆美國總統狄奧多.羅斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)</p> <p>資本是定義現代經濟的主要特?,但多數人並不清楚資本到底從何而來。究竟是什麼將純粹的財富,轉變成能自動創造更多財富的資??本書闡述資本如何在私人律師事務所門後創造出來,以及這類...
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