diversity management

Diversity within Diversity Management Country-Based Perspectives【電子書籍】Reconciling Planetary Diversity Through Transcultural Management Managing Global Synergy【電子書籍】 Gebhard DeisslerInclusive Talent Management How Business can Thrive in an Age of Diversity【電子書籍】 Stephen FrostDiversity Management. Chancen und Risiken kultureller Heterogenit t in Unternehmen【電子書籍】 J rg WeberEthics and Diversity in Business Management Education A Sociological Study with International Scope【電子書籍】 Mary GodwynManagement and Culture in an Enlarged European Commission From Diversity to Unity 【電子書籍】 C. BanM glichkeiten und Grenzen von Diversity Management unter der Perspektive der Erfolgsorientierung【電子書籍】 Sevinc T rkeliDiversity Management - Cultural Issues Cultural Issues【電子書籍】 Julia MattauschThe Cosmic Dimension of Global Diversity Management【電子書籍】 Gebhard DeisslerDiversity Management Generationen bergreifende Zusammenarbeit f rdern【電子書籍】 J rgen WeggeInterkulturelle Kompetenzen am Beispiel vom Diversity Management der Deutschen Bank AG【電子書籍】 Andreas GuhlDiversity Management Das Diversity Management aus neoinstitutionalistischer Perspektive - Seminararbeit【電子書籍】 Manfred SeewaldGender and Diversity in Management A Concise Introduction【電子書籍】 Caroline GatrellThe Routledge Handbook of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management in the Hospitality Industry【電子書籍】Managing Diversity in the Military Research Perspectives from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute【電子書籍】Air Force Leadership Diversity: General Officer Cohort Severely Lacks Diversity, Recommendation to Seek Fully Qualified Mission Support Officers for Advancement, USAF Boards, Processes, and Policies【電子書籍】 Progressive ManagementDiversity Management mit besonderem Fokus auf Homosexuelle【電子書籍】 Helen SchmidtManagement and Organizational Studies on Blue Grey Collar Workers Diversity of Collars【電子書籍】Diversity Management【電子書籍】 I. Zeilhofer-FickerGrasslands of the World Diversity, Management and Conservation【電子書籍】


  • <p>Nowadays, managing and promoting diversity is of paramount importance to the future of sustainability and the political and business agenda. Despite a tremendous growth in diversity management scholarship in recent years, a strong tendency has emerged whereby existing theories focus on a single level of analysis, using a limited range of mostly Western research settings, and on a narrow range of diversity types. Diversity research has insofar focused on prioritizing visible forms of diversity, such as gender or disability, with less emphasis placed on diversity in culture and values internationally. This edited book provides new practical and strategic insights for practitioners, managers, students and policy makers; it delves into the strategic nature of policy intervention with thought-provoking contributions written by experts from around the world. Contributors aim to provide critical reflection of current debate areas on workplace equality and diversity in under-researched...


  • <p>Essay from the year 2011 in the subject Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous, , course: Interkulturelles Management, language: English, abstract: The human, the physical as well as the consciousness cosmology are part of the totality of the universe. The Ancients have understood this principle and called it cosmos which means order. It is a hierarchical order, where the sun presides over the physical order in our solar system which in turn is hierarchically integrated in a galactic and those in turn in vaster systems. The various inner and outer cosmologies are part of the one life with its material and immaterial aspects and integrated, interdependent, hierarchical and synergistic order characterize it. This quality of order reigns between and within macro- and microcosmic planes. The continuity of them ensures the continuity of life. The biological, the physical and the consciousness cosmologies are diverse aspects of existence of life as a whole. In order to ensure the integrity...


  • <p><strong>SHORTLISTED:</strong> CMI Management Book of the Year 2017 - Practical Manager Category</p> <p>Organizations traditionally have had a clear distinction between their policies on diversity and inclusion and their talent management. The main driving force behind diversity and inclusion has been being seen to be a good employer, to be able to make claims in the annual report and to feel as though a positive contribution is being made to society. On the other hand, talent management activities have been driven by a real business need to ensure that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right place to drive operational success. <em><strong>Inclusive Talent Management</strong></em> aligns talent management and diversity and inclusion, offering a fresh perspective on why the current distinction between them needs to disappear.</p> <p>Featuring case studies from internationally recognised brands such as Goldman Sachs, Unilever, K...


  • <p>Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und Organisation, Note: 2,0, Universit?t Paderborn, 32 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Mitarbeiter stellen innerhalb der Unternehmen mit ihrem Wissen und ihren F?higkeiten ein zentrales Element dar und ein gezielter Einsatz dieses Potentials kann den Unternehmen einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen. Durch das Konzept des Diversity Managements wird versucht diese Ressource optimal zu nutzen, indem die Heterogenit?t unter den Mitarbeitern bewusst anerkannt und eingesetzt wird. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Gesamtkonzept des Umgangs mit personaler Vielfalt in einem Unternehmen zum Nutzen aller Beteiligten, also sowohl der Mitarbeiter als auch des Unternehmers. Zu dem Erfolg der Einf?hrung von Diversity Management Konzepten liefert die empirische Forschung unterschiedliche Ergebnisse. Heterogene Teams entwickeln kreativere Ergebnisse und durch die Akzeptanz der Verschiedenhei...


  • <p>This book examines business education from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities, specifically sociology and ethics. In particular, it offers the rare combination of liberal arts and business management education which is used to investigate how aspects of business education might be responsible for and connected to the distribution of wealth that currently dominates the global economy.</p> <p>Through interviews with business ethics faculty members, students, and graduates around the world, as well as attendance in business ethics classes and examination of classroom materials, the author presents patterns of theory, perspectives and outcomes from culturally and geographically diverse business schools. This research provides insights into how business ethics educators are responding to the growing diversity in student populations and the dual crises of environmental destruction and lack of ethical stewardship.</p> <p>The book also discusses alternative d...


  • <p>This book explores how the European Commission faced the challenge of enlargement. Based on extensive interviews, the work provides a lively and readable picture of life within the Commission, exploring how thousands of newcomers were recruited and socialized and how they changed the organization, including its gender balance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Zwischenpr?fungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und Organisation, Note: 2,7, FOM Hochschule f?r Oekonomie & Management gemeinn?tzige GmbH, Berlin fr?her Fachhochschule, Veranstaltung: Seminar Personalmanagement , 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diversity Management (DiM) ist ein Managementkonzept, das darauf abzielt, die Vielfalt der Belegschaft als ?konomischen Vorteil zur Steigerung des wirtschaftlichen Erfolges zu nutzen. Diversity Management sieht personelle Vielfalt nicht als Problem, sondern prim?r als Ressource, woraus Organisationen einen ?konomischen Nutzen ziehen k?nnen. Warum sollte Vielfalt als Vorteil dienen? Wettbewerbsvorteile verschafft sich der traditionsbewusste deutsche Unternehmer, indem er etwas billiger, anders oder besser macht als seine Wettbewerber, und so die Aufmerksamkeit und damit die Zuwendung der Kunden gewinnt. Im Konzept des Diversity Managements handelt es sich auch darum Wettbewerbsvorteil...


  • <p>Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject Psychology - Work, Business, Organisational and Economic Psychology, grade: 1,3, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 13 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: As a result of the advanced globalization, organizations increasingly operate in international and global markets. They cooperate with companies from all over the world and em-ployees of different nationality are engaged. More and more people live and work in foreign countries. Between organizations, multinational corporations are becoming commonplace (Bhadury et al., 2001, cited by Seymen, 2006). Consequently, they have to deal with a wide range of diversity: different values, cultures, customs, lifestyle and manners encounter. Also the growing level of domestic diversity is a reason for increasing cultural diversity (Stone, Stone-Romero, Lukaszewski, 2007). Essentially the United States are concerned, but also European countries. In the U....


  • <p>Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2012 in the subject Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous, , language: English, abstract: Because the human mind gets caught in little niches, in the diversity of the numerous slots of a mighty cosmic computer, without its being aware of this interface and connectedness to the totality of life, which includes all cultural diversities in a gigantic all-encompassing unity of life, it is helpful to remember this interconnectedness to the whole with all its parts in order to integrate cultural diversity challenges. On the operating system level of the cosmic computer - whose operating system software can run all cultural programmers - to which cultural players can switch at will in the wink of an eye, as it is matter of consciousness, whose speed transcends that of light, all cultural programmes are accessible and manageable.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場...


  • <p>Der Begriff ≫Diversity≪ steht im Kontext des Managements f?r die Verschiedenartigkeit oder Vielfalt von Menschen in Arbeitsgruppen, Abteilungen oder Organisationen. ≪Diversity Management≫ hat hierbei das Ziel, durch konstruktive Anerkennung, Wertsch?tzung und Gestaltung in Bezug auf die Unterschiede zwischen Mitarbeitern die Potenziale dieser Vielfalt f?r eine effektive und innovative Erf?llung von Arbeitsaufgaben zu f?rdern und m?glichen Nachteilen entgegenzuwirken. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Bandes liegt auf der Altersdiversit?t, welche insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels, durch den eine Zunahme ?lterer Arbeitnehmer zu erwarten ist, von aktueller Bedeutung f?r Unternehmen ist. Der Band f?hrt zun?chst in die Theorien und Modelle des Diversity Managements auf der Basis aktueller Forschungsergebnisse ein. Es wird auf die Prinzipien von altersgerechter F?hrung sowie auf Besonderheiten bei der F?hrung ?lterer und j?ngerer Arbeitnehmer eingegangen. F?r verschied...


  • <p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Arbeiten in international aufgestellten Firmen bedeutet nicht nur hoch spezialisierte und exzellent ausgebildete Fachkr?fte zu haben, sondern auch die N?tzlichkeit aus lokalen Marktgegebenheiten zu analysieren und partnerspezifische L?sungen, welche das Unternehmen weltweit am Markt nutzen kann, zu erarbeiten. Dabei spielt die Vernetzung von Mentalit?ten und die Sch?pfung von Potenzialen aus verschiedenen L?ndern und M?rkten eine wichtige Rolle seitens der Produkt- und Personalentwicklung. Hierbei treffen bei diesen Unternehmen unterschiedliche F?hrungsstile aufeinander, die zum einen helfen k?nnen die Sichtweise der Perspektive zu wechseln oder auch die Kreativit?t und die Innovationskraft an den sich immer schneller wandelnden M?rkten zu st?rken. Um diese kulturelle Vielfalt der Mitarbeiter als Identit?t eines Unterneh...


  • <p>Die zunehmende Globalisierung und die damit verst?rkt in Erscheinung tretenden multiplen Divergenzen und kulturellen Interdependenzen, stellen international t?tige Unternehmen vor immer gr??ere Herausforderungen. Unternehmen erhoffen sich durch die Etablierung einer geeigneten Praktik einerseits den gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen gerecht zu werden, und andererseits, die heterogenen Problemlagen im institutionellen Umfeld zu l?sen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit soll daher sein, das Aufgabenumfeld des Diversity Managements und die Gr?nde seines Einsatzes im Lichte des neoinstitutionalistischen Umfelds n?her zu analysieren. Zun?chst soll die neoinstitutionalistische Organisationstheorie kurz vorgestellt werden, um dann in weiterer Folge das Diversity Management aus der Sicht des Neo-Institutionalismus zu betrachten. Dabei sollen die Begriffe der Diffusion, der Legitimit?t, der gesellschaftlichen Erwartung, der Vielfalt, der dominanten Logik, der Symbolik, der Homogenit?t, der Heterogenit...


  • <p>In this engaging and handy book, Gatrell and Swan provide both an insightful introduction and much-needed resource to the understanding of gender and diversity in management.</p> <p><strong>Gender and Diversity in Management</strong> accessibly overviews the core issues of gender, race, sexuality, disability and diversity in management. In an area where there is often conflicting scholarship, this concise introduction assesses the key contemporary issues, and takes stock of the debates amongst scholars and practitioners. It will also be of great value to managers from a range of organizations, who seek a practical and up-to-date guide to contemporary thought and practice.</p> <p><strong>Gender and Diversity in Management</strong> is designed for students on courses across a range of business and management subjects including Women in Management, Gender in Management, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, and Human Resource Management. It will also be of great value...


  • <p>Interdisciplinary in terms of both its coverage and contributions, <em>The Routledge Handbook of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management in the Hospitality Industry</em> provides an informative and systematic guide to the current state of knowledge on workforce diversity and its management.</p> <p>Providing empirical knowledge and reflective practice on diversity issues and their management in the hospitality industry, this handbook includes chapters written by a plethora of experts in the diversity management (DM) field, including scholars, academics, and industry experts, such as managers from leading hospitality industry firms. Logically structured and embellished with illustrative figures throughout, the volume provides critical reviews and an appraisal of current research and the future development of conceptual and theoretical approaches to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) management in the hospitality industry, including dimensions of diversity in hospi...


  • <p>Although diversity is a twentieth-century term, as the United States continues through the twenty-first century, the issue of diversity in society and in organizations is becoming more complex. Managing Diversity in the Military addresses current equal opportunity and diversity issues and explores how the military is attempting to resolve them.The research presented reflects interests of scholars from various backgrounds who use different models, approaches, and methodologies, many of which are adapted from the study of civilian institutions. The work is divided into five sections ""Contemporary Approaches to Managing Diversity,"" ""Diversifying Leadership: Equity in Evaluation and Promotion,"" ""Gender Integration and Sexual Harassment,"" ""Military Discipline and Race,"" and ""Where Do We Go from Here?"" which proposes future research directions for equal opportunity and diversity management in the armed forces.All of the areas explored in this accessibly written volume have ...


  • <p>This excellent report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. The Air Force is not drawing upon its full talent pool for leadership in its most senior positions. This also has another negative affect of creating a general officer cohort that severely lacks diversity. Active duty general officer statistics bear out that the group is 94% white and only 7% female as opposed to the overall Air Force population that is 72% white and 20% female. While more diverse than in the past in terms of Air Force Specialty Code, the general officer cohort is 58% pilot officers, even though the promotion pool for selection to O-6 is only 30% pilot officers. Most people looking at that problem would conclude the problem is with the promotions boards, but the Air Force promotion system itself is not the problem. Leadership decisions to only allow officers selected for promotion from the below-the-promotion zone (BTZ) category to enter into the genera...


  • <p>Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensf?hrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 1,7, Freie Universit?t Berlin (Lehrstuhl f?r Management), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im zunehmenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel scheint alles m?glich zu sein: In der westlichen Zivilisation wachsen wir heutzutage damit auf, dass wir unser Leben nicht mehr nach strengen Regeln einrichten m?ssen. Wir haben die Wahl, welchen Beruf wir ergreifen wollen, ob wir allein oder in einer Partnerschaft leben m?chten, ob wir Kinder in die Welt setzen und ob wir heiraten. Wir entscheiden, welche Priorit?ten wir in unserer Arbeit, in unserem privaten und gesellschaftlichen Leben setzen. Bei allen Entscheidungsm?glichkeiten, die uns heute offen stehen, blieb allerdings eines konstant: Wir glauben, uns frei zu entscheiden und orientieren uns doch - meist unbewusst - an einer Wertekultur, die einige unserer Entscheidungen bef?rwortet, sie als 'normal' darstellt, andere dagegen als Abweichunge...


  • <p>The digital transformation of work during the COVID-19 pandemic seemed in many ways a fair treaty between employers and employees. However, realistically, its advantages have primarily benefitted white-collar workers with the ability to work from home, excluding a significant proportion of the global workforce, those responsible for providing fresh water, environmental hygiene, transportation, electricity, healthcare and food and security services, who do not have the option of conducting their jobs remotely. The pandemic has thus deepened the gap between white and blue and grey collar workers.</p> <p>Combining both theoretical and empirical studies, <em>Management and Organizational Studies on Blue and Grey Collar Workers</em> focuses on recent issues such as digitalization and migration and their implications for organizational commitment, HRM functions and strategic management processes. Acting as an examination of the changing nature of power between blue and grey c...


  • <p>Das Diversity Managment will durch die aktive Nutzung der Unterschiedlichkeit der Mitarbeiter den Unternehmenserfolg steigern. Damit die Vielfalt der Mitarbeiter in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Rasse, Alter, religi?se und sexuelle Orientierung oder andere Kriterien als Erfolgsfaktor genutzt werden kann, m?ssen alle Aktivit?ten die Individualit?t jedes Einzelnen bewusst ber?cksichtigen. Den Erfolg von Diversity Managment kann man messen an demographischen Belegschaftsdaten, der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, dem Image als Arbeitgeber und Mitglied der Gesellschaft, aber auch an der Kundenzufriedenheit und am wirtschaftlichen Erfolg.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This book begins with a brief account of the extraordinary sequence of events that led to emergence of grasslands as major vegetation formations that now occupy some of the driest and hottest and the highest and coldest on earth as well as vast steppes and prairies in more temperate climes. It is the story of grasses successfully competing with forests and woodlands, aided and abetted by grazing herbivores and by humans and their use of fire as a tool. It is a story of adaptation to changing climates and the changing biophysical environments.</p> <p>A major focus of the book is the Palaearctic biogeographic realm that extends over some 45 million km? and thus more than 1/3 of the terrestrial ice-free surface on Earth. It comprises extensive grasslands of different types and origin, which can be subdivided into (1) natural grasslands with (1a) steppes (climatogenic in dry climates), (1b) arctic-alpine grasslands (climatogenic in cold climates) and (1c) azonal and extrazonal ...
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