
Following Sweet Dreams Home【電子書籍】 Rebecca Thein


  • <p>When Candice receives her layoff notice, she embraces the need for a little retail therapy. Against her better judgment, she enters an antique store…just to look around she tells herself. However, what woman can just window shop? Certainly not Candice.</p> <p>With her newly purchased hat, she leaves the store in the direction of her new life. One gust of wind grabs the hat carrying it down the street. When the hat finally comes to rest on the porch of a Victorian house, the For Sale sign on the window intrigues her to imagine the possibilities.<br /> Once Grandma Pela enters her life, things start to change as Candice dreams of her future.</p> <p>Below is Candice's Smyth's Secret Recipe that she follows.</p> <p>Here's What's Cookin': <strong>LOVE</strong></p> <p>Recipe Fromー<strong>Life Lessons</strong><br /> Servesー1 Woman</p> <p><strong>INGREDIENTS:</strong><br /> One Large Hat<br /> One Old Victorian House<br /> Dose of family<br ...
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