
E Lisbona sfavillava Mosaico urbano in forma di reportage【電子書籍】 Tino MantarroGoodness, Grace and Me A gorgeously uplifting read from the bestselling author of A Village Affair【電子書籍】 Julie HoustonROSANTICA ロザンティカ クラッチバッグ レディース 秋冬2023 B1471 FAVILLA DEGRADE YELLOW 【関税 送料無料】【ラッピング無料】 iaEmplaced Resistances in Occupied Palestine Stories of a Village, Its People, and Their Land【電子書籍】 Suzanne Hassan Hammad, Research Associate, Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, QatarLillis och kta kompisarna【電子書籍】 Micaela FavillaA World Without Whom The Essential Guide to Language in the BuzzFeed Age【電子書籍】 Ms. Emmy J. FavillaLillis och riktiga laget【電子書籍】 Micaela FavillaAsmoder【電子書籍】 Marco FavillaBuying Venus The buyer of a villa in Italy finds its female owner does not want him to leave… EVER 【電子書籍】 Rafael MentonEtt enda stort sk mt【電子書籍】 Micaela FavillaROSANTICA ロザンティカ クラッチバッグ レディース 秋冬2023 CHLB1678 FAVILLA CLEAR CRYSTAL 【関税 送料無料】【ラッピング無料】 ia【輸入盤CD】Dieupart/Favilla/Rival / 6 Sonatas For A Flute With A Thorough Bass【K2018/9/7発売】Le plus glorieux des immortels Dies illa, solvet saeclum in favilla【電子書籍】 Alain CappeauEn liten vit l gn【電子書籍】 Micaela FavillaROSANTICA ロザンティカ クラッチバッグ レディース 秋冬2023 CHLB1678 FAVILLA DEGRADE BLACK 【関税 送料無料】【ラッピング無料】 iaDieupart / Favilla / Rival - 6 Sonatas for a Flute with a Thorough Bass CD アルバム 【輸入盤】Dr.Martens ドクターマーチン その他靴 FAVILLA ファヴィーラ レザー タッセル ローファー シューズ ブラウン系 US7 レディース【中古】Chronicles of a Village【電子書籍】 Nguyen Thanh HienFavilla Soprano【ソプラノ】【マホガニー】【お茶の水駅前店】Birth of a Villain【電子書籍】 Diana Legend


  • <p>Chi arriva a Lisbona per la prima volta rimane colpito dalla grandezza del fiume, dalla bont? dei past?is de nata e dalla sua luce. Una luce eccessiva, onnipresente, di un nitore che quasi ferisce gli occhi. Cos? unica che i portoghesi che vivono all’estero ne provano subito nostalgia. Dopo aver vissuto a Lisbona da studente, Tino Mantarro continua a tornarci per scoprire i segreti che nasconde questa citt?: ha passeggiato lungo le rive del Tejo, ha conversato con passanti occasionali, origliato i discorsi sui bus mentre si muoveva per incontrare professori di fisica, ispettori di polizia, meteorologi, comandanti di navi, astronomi, venditori di candele. Si ? tuffato nei libri di Antonio Tabucchi e Fernando Pessoa, visitando gli angoli meno raccontati, andando allo stadio da Luz per vedere il Benfica, pagaiando lungo l’immenso estuario.Andando alla ricerca di tutti quegli elementi, veri o sognati, che contribuiscono al mito della luce di Lisbona.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、...


  • <p>When Harriet's husband quits his job she doesn't think life could get any worse... until an old enemy reappears!<br /> Harriet's old nemesis, Amanda, is back. And she's here to stay. As the wife of her husband's boss, Amanda will be accompanying Nick on his business trips. And Harriet can't help but think, how will Nick not succumb to her ruthless charms once he's in glamorous Milan?</p> <p>Knowing Nick is at risk of being seduced is bad enough, but when Harriet's best friend Grace falls madly in love with Sebastian, Amanda's much younger son, it can only mean trouble ahead.</p> <p>Determined to fight for her man, Harriet's seduction techniques go into overdrive. Unfortunately she is hampered in her attempts by two bolshy teenagers, an increasingly eccentric mother and a job teaching cantankerous children.</p> <p>Can Harriet save her marriage, as well as her friendship with Grace? And what will happen if Nick's new venture fails, especially now that the one thing ...


  • <p>In this deeply personal study, Hammad illuminates a deep agenda of place, meaning, and resistance in territorial struggles through the telling of a less-heard story of how women, men, and young people understand their world and their lives in the occupied Palestinian West Bank landscape. Taking a case study of a contested and divided Palestinian village situated in the heart of the Occupied Palestinian Territories and known for its sustained, non-violent protest against the Separation Wall that cuts through its lived spaces, Hammad examines how villagers live, experience, interpret, and attempt to resist infringements on their property and person.</p> <p>The study considers the spectrum of ways that people resist in this context, examining not only the overt weekly protests but also the everyday acts and subjectivities of resistance of its residents, young and old. It offers valuable theoretical insight into the extent and ways that meanings of place hold the potential to m...


  • <p><em>Lillis tuschpennor ligger i perfekt ordning. Som en regnb?ge. Men Lillis ritar bara en liten sur gr? kanin. Storasyster har ?kt iv?g p? fotbollscup, och Lillis fick inte f?lja med.</em></p> <p><em>Lillis t?nker sura alla dagar, ?nda tills storasyster kommer hem igen. Och d? t?nker hon sura ?nnu mer. F?r storasyster kommer komma tillbaka med medalj. Och diplom att s?tta p? v?ggen. Och en massa roligt att ber?tta.</em></p> <p><em>Lillis kommer inte ha n?t alls att visa n?r storasyster kommer tillbaka. Bara en liten sur kanin.</em></p> <p>Lillis tycker j?ttemycket om sport. D?rf?r har hon startat ett eget lag: Snabbsportens IK. I det laget kan man h?lla p? med vilken sport som helst och man best?mmer reglerna lite som man tycker. Men just nu ?r Lillis bara sur. Storasyster ?r p? fotbollscup och nere p? g?rden ?r en tjej ute och spelar med en boll som sitter fast p? ett gummiband. Tjejen sl?r iv?g bollen med ett stort racket. Det verkar ganska sv?rt. Och...


  • <p><strong><em>Eats, Shoots & Leaves</em> for the internet age</strong></p> <p>As language evolves faster than ever before, what is the future of 'correct' writing? When Emmy Favilla was tasked with creating a styleguide for BuzzFeed, she opted for spelling, grammar and punctuation guidelines that would reflect how readers actually use language IRL.</p> <p>With wry humour and an uncanny intuition for the possibilities of internet-age expression, Favilla makes a case for breaking the stuffy rules that have hitherto defined our relationship with language. Featuring priceless emoji strings, sidebars, quizzes and style debates among the most lovable word nerds of the digital media world ? of which Favilla is the go-to style guru ? <em>A World Without “Whom”</em> is essential for readers and writers of posts, tweets, texts, emails and whatever comes next.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わら...


  • <p><em>Lillis ?lskar sport. Speciellt fotboll. Helst med m?nga bollar samtidigt.</em><br /> <em>Sparka boll och springa snabbt ?r sport. Snabbsport.</em><br /> <em>Jag har ett fotbollslag, s?ger Lillis. Snabbsportens IK!</em><br /> <em>Var har du din fotbollstr?ja d?? retas storasyster.</em><br /> <em>Lillis har ingen tr?ja med nummer p?. Och d? har hon ju inget riktigt lag.</em><br /> <em>Jag har ju inget riktigt lag! skriker Lillis och sl?r till en boll s? den far h?rt in i v?ggen.</em><br /> <em>Vi kan v?l anm?la dig till fotboll till n?sta termin, s?ger mamma.</em><br /> <em>Men Lillis vill inte v?nta p? n?n himla termin. Hon vill ha ett riktigt lag nu! Idag!</em></p> <p>Lillis tycker j?ttemycket om sport. D?rf?r har hon startat ett eget lag: Snabbsportens IK. I det laget kan man h?lla p? med vilken sport som helst och man best?mmer reglerna lite som man tycker. Men nu ska Lillis f? prova fotboll i storasysters lag, ett riktigt...


  • <p>L’apoteosi di un destino dove la terra vive nell’oscurit?, il maligno “Asmoder” con i suoi fedeli guardiani semina terrore tra le genti, mentre nel sottosuolo delle terre oscure si trama l’ordita rivendicazione di una lotta per lui “Atrol” il predestinato, il fato decider? le sorti di questi popoli mitologici e cavalieri cristiani.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Armed by a friend with the knowledge of a dilapidated Italian villa in Calabria that can be bought for a song, an unmarried English businessman sets off to purchase it.</p> <p>But the villa itself is not his main aim.</p> <p>For its garden hosts a certain water-feature and a carving of the goddess Venus.</p> <p>A carving he knows will reap him a financial reward far, far, greater than any rustic pile of bricks and mortar.</p> <p>But there's a problem.</p> <p>The sensuous and imperious aristocratic woman who owns the property and her two female assistants have a secret.</p> <p>A secret that lies in a sealed room in the villa's cellar.</p> <p>And a secret that will fill his reality with horror while ensuring his life becomes an eternal commitment to sensuous service.</p> <p>Erotic female-led horror from Rafael Menton.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら ...


  • <p><em>"ljuvlig l?sning f?r mellan?ldern"</em> - Agneta Norrg?rd, Basar Mazarin</p> <p><em>"Pappa, mamma, kompisar och andra vuxna runt Erka tecknas av Favilla med k?rleksfull och fin hand. Det ?r os?kra livskliv, v?rme och humor i och mellan raderna. Femton kapitel inalles, alla med minst en r?d-svart-vitillustration. Rekommenderas!"</em> - BTJ, h?fte 19 2021</p> <p>Erka ?lskar sk?mt och ordvitsar! Varje vecka upptr?der han p? klassens timme, och f?r alla att vrida sig av skratt. Alla utom Julian, som mest bryr sig om sport. Hur ska Erka f? honom att skratta? En dag b?rjar Erka och Julian prata om orientering, och Erka r?kar l?tsas att han kan en del om det. Julian vill g?rna prova, s? de best?mmer att de ska tr?ffas i skogen samma eftermiddag. Men Erka vet ju ingenting om orientering!</p> <p>Micaela Favilla ?r f?rfattare och illustrat?r, och har tidigare skrivit l?ttl?sta b?cker. <em>Ett enda stort sk?mt</em> ?r hennes f?rsta mellan?ldersbok. Med humor oc...


  • 発売日: 2018/9/7輸入盤USレーベル: Brilliant Classics収録曲:コメント:Dieupart is best known today for his Six suittes de clavessin, partly because J.S. Bach copied them out, and was supposedly influenced by them in his English Suites. The suites were probably composed in 1701, whereas these less familiar sonatas are considerably later works, dating from 1717: we don't know when Dieupart was born, but a contemporary biographer records that he died 'far advanced in years, and in very necessitated circumstances, about the year 1740.' Dieupart spent his entire career working in and around London as a harpsichordist and composer: He was a prominent member of the musical establishment in Drury Lane though he later became a founding and popular member of the orchestra in a rival establishment, the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket. It was probably once he had become a private music teacher in his later years that he wrote this highly attractive set of six sonatas, which are dedicated to Lady...


  • <p>Il y a tr?s longtemps, un ?trange Inconnaissable et son auxiliaire, le diabolique Ialdaba?th, ?gar?s dans un univers primordial, se hasard?rent ? faire exister une modeste communaut? de mortels qui leur avait ?t? incidemment r?v?l?e. De faux miracles en erreurs n?cessaires et de cooptations de circonstances en jugements arbitraires, tous deux n’auront de cesse de s’affronter pour faire avancer des calculs ?go?stes. De ces comportements irraisonn?s na?tront plus ou moins fortuitement des courants confessionnels, nonobstant ent?s sur de belles rencontres avec d’attachants personnages qui jamais ne pourront ni avoir raison de la cruaut? des hommes ni r?ussir ? installer entre ces courants aux lubies d?vastatrices un rapprochement de leur doctrine.</p> <p><strong>? PROPOS DE L'AUTEUR</strong></p> <p>Dans une chronologie historique choisie, <strong>Alain Cappeau</strong> d?veloppe ici un r?cit cosmogonique, alternativement optimiste et dramatique, dont la question ce...


  • <p>Julian ?r den enda normala i sin familj. Han har en knasig storebror, en konstig mamma och nu har de ocks? v?rldens kn?ppaste husdjur: Suki, en superr?dd kanin med alldeles r?da ?gon. Suki ?r s? konstig att Julian inte vill ber?tta f?r n?gon om henne, inte ens f?r sin b?sta v?n Erka.</p> <p>Och nu ?r det snart sportlov och Julian har inga planer, f?r mamma har ingen koll p? s?nt. Erka ska iv?g och ?ka skidor, vilket Julian r?kar s?ga att han ocks? ska, f?r att verka normal. Men vad ?r egentligen normalt? Och hur mycket kan man h?lla hemligt f?r n?gon man tycker om?</p> <p><em>En liten vit l?gn</em> ?r den frist?ende forts?ttningen p? <em>Ett enda stort sk?mt</em> som handlade om klassens clown Erka ? nu ?r det sportkillen Julian som st?r i centrum. Micaela Favilla beskriver med humor och v?rme hur sn?rigt det kan vara att g? p? mellanstadiet och helst av allt bara vilja vara som alla andra.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kob...


  • ◆タイトル: 6 Sonatas for a Flute with a Thorough Bass◆アーティスト: Dieupart / Favilla / Rival◆現地発売日: 2018/09/07◆レーベル: Brilliant ClassicsDieupart / Favilla / Rival - 6 Sonatas for a Flute with a Thorough Bass CD アルバム 【輸入盤】※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更等により、実物とは差異がある場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。[楽曲リスト]Dieupart is best known today for his Six suittes de clavessin, partly because J.S. Bach copied them out, and was supposedly influenced by them in his English Suites. The suites were probably composed in 1701, whereas these less familiar sonatas are considerably later works, dating from 1717: we don't know when Dieupart was born, but a contemporary biographer records that he died 'far advanced in years, and in very necessitated circumstances, about the year 1740.' Dieupart spent his entire career working in and around London as a har...


  • 商品情報 ブランド名Dr.Martens(ドクターマーチン) 商品名 FAVILLA ファヴィーラ レザー タッセル ローファー シューズ カラーブラウン系 素材/生産国ベトナム 表記サイズUS7 実寸サイズ アウトソール:約28cm高さ:約10.5cm 付属品 箱 状態について 弊社基準より使用感が少なく、比較的状態の良い中古品で汚れやダメージがほとんどない、またはあってもさほど目立たない、状態の良好な商品です。 特記事項 ※使用による汚れがソール部分にございます。※使用に伴う使用感、汚れ、キズ、スレ、シワなどはございます。中古商材にご不安な方、完璧な商品状態をお求めの方はお控え下さい。 商品状態 NU 新古品(特別な記載が無い商品については店頭展示品 SS 未着用・もしくは数回のみ着用の新品同様の商品 S 数回程度の着用感・使用感のほとんど見られない商品 A 着用感のさほど感じられない状態の良好な商品 B 若干の使用感があり商品によっては若干のダメージがある商品 C 目立つ着用感・ダメージ・汚れ等がある商品 >>同じブランドの商品を見る >>同じカテゴリの商品を見る 商品管理番号:3j15850gb0007ma87必ずお読み下さい 当店の商品は、全て中古品となっております。一...


  • <p>**An incantatory poetic novel that interweaves the legends, tragedies, and histories of a village in Vietnam</p> <p>“The book bursts with characters, poetry, philosophy, romance, violence, and struggle. . . . A dreamlike, original, strangely hopeful book.”ー<em>Kirkus Reviews</em>**</p> <p>At the foot of Mun Mountain in central Vietnam, a self-appointed scribe collects the stories of his neighborsーtales of love, nature, and warーand weaves them into a surrealist history of their farming community. In crystalline fragments resembling prose poems, the scribe eternalizes the vanishing beauty and tragic transformation of the villageーits sacred forests, astonishing animals, mythical figures, and human lives nurtured by a profound love for soil and sky, as well as its catastrophes: ecological destruction, political purges, asphyxiating modernity, violence, and indoctrination in the name of progress.</p> <p>Nguy??n Thanh Hi??n’s <em>Chronicles of a Village</em>, ...


  • 近代アメリカを支えたウクレレブランドの一つ、ファヴィラが入荷いたしました。 19世紀の終わりに渡米したFavilla氏が製作。 数多のブランドがしのぎを削った1950年代、 ここを乗り越えることが出来なかったブランドも数知れず。 そのため資料は非常に少なく当個体も製造年の特定は出来ませんでした。 しかし、過去に扱って来たヴィンテージ品などの情報から読み解く限り1950年代と推定されます。 当個体一番のオススメポイントを先に説明いたします。 弾けます、普通に弾けます。 ペグも問題なく使用できますし、ネックも真っ直ぐ、ブリッジも健在。 塗装はさすがに経年によるウェザーチェック、多少の剥離はあります。 しかし、これだけ時間が経っているのにも関わらずビシッと弾けます。 ヘッドのクレストが彫られておりさらに金色で飾られています。 この時代ならではのデザイン性に惹かれますね。 -Specification- Body Top : Mahogany Body Back & Sides : Mahogany Neck : Mahogany Case : Hardcase (SQ) クロサワ楽器店はMartin UKULELEの日本総代理店です。 お客様に末永くご愛用頂けますよう、ご購入後の調整、 万一のトラブルなどにも全力でサポートさせて頂き...


  • <p>Once Upon a Time...<br /> … a wolf killed two piglets. The third piglet survived.<br /> Have you ever wondered why the wolf wanted to blow the pigs' house down? Was he just a mean old wolf who went around destroying other animals? That's what they all wanted us to believe.</p> <p>I will tell you the true tale of what really happened that night.<br /> Once upon a time ... there was a wolf who had a mate and a whelp. His mate went missing ... and the rest is history ...</p> <p>This is the prequel to The Alpha's Howl. A retelling of the fairy-tale known as the Three Little Pigs.<br /> Once a villain ... always a villain ... right?</p> <p>Birth of a Villain is the prequel to The Alpha's Howl, Book 2 in the Once Upon A Villain Season 2 Series.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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