introduction to japanese politics

【中古】【輸入品 未使用】Introduction to Japanese PoliticsIntroduction to Japanese Politics【電子書籍】 Louis D. Hayes


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  • <p><em>Introduction to Japanese Politics</em>, now in its fully updated sixth edition, is a comprehensive and current review of political and public policy developments in Japan. Since the previous edition, Japan’s economic policy has undergone significant change with a prolonged period of deflation having altered the dynamics of the Japanese economy. At the same time, the Abe administration has expanded Japan’s international security participation, previously limited by the constitution, while China’s activities in the South China Sea have impinged upon Japan’s territorial claims.</p> <p>This classic introduction to the Japanese political system has been revised and fully updated in this sixth edition to take into account these widespread changes in the country's political life. Building on the structure and content of the previous edition, this new edition covers:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li> <p>An overview of Japan's geographical setting and history</p> </li>...
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