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  • LeaderProのサウナハットは、リラックスタイムを格上げするアイテムです。綿100%のコットンタオル生地を使用し、肌触りが柔らかく、吸水性と速乾性に優れています。厚手で高品質な作りは、サウナでの熱から頭を守りつつ、快適な使用感を提供します。 おしゃれでかわいいデザインは、4色のバリエーションから選べ、どんなスタイルにもマッチ。ポケット付きで、サウナルーム内でもキーなどの小物を収納可能です。折りたたみができるため、持ち運びにも便利で、洗濯機で洗えるのでいつも清潔に保てます。 サウナを愛するすべての方におすすめの、このサウナハットで、リラックスタイムをより特別なものにしましょう。高級感あふれるタオルハットは、自分へのご褒美はもちろん、大切な人へのプレゼントにも最適です。 【タオル生地】 100% コットンでできていて、肌触りはとても柔らかく快適です。吸水性にも耐久性にも優れ、サウナの高温にも完璧に対応します。丈夫なサウナハットなので洗濯机で丸洗いしても問題ありません。 【耳たぶをしっかりカバーできるサイズ】 耳たぶが隠れるほどの深さなので、サウナの熱気から目と耳をしっかり守ることができます。目を遮ることで...


  • <p>The LEADER programme, initiated in 1991, aims to improve the development potential of rural areas in the European Union by drawing on local initiatives and skills. Highlighting this unique policy approach, this book presents up-to-date research results on LEADER’s achievements and restrictions at the local level in a comparative way in order to discuss its merits and problems. What makes LEADER important is not only that it has a major role in rural development efforts, but also that it has a pioneering role in the new type of governance, participatory democracy. Asking whether LEADER strengthens local democracy or not, this book also looks at how it affects the power balance among stakeholders, between national and local actors and between genders. It questions whether LEADER projects are genuinely grass-root level activities, reflecting local needs and ideals; and if the approach brings local know-how back onto the development agenda in innovations and development activities....


  • <p>School Leader Problem-Solving Skills: Situational Judgment Tests from School Leaders is designed with the aspiring or beginning administrator in mind to help them grow in their role and become effective problem-solvers. The challenges presented in this book are real scenarios from practicing administrators. Each scenario includes answer options as well as the solutions utilized by the contributor. Additionally, the book includes a link to the Leader Acumen SELF assessment. This tool allows those to consider their leadership skillset in the context of the leader imperatives of credibility, competence, the ability to inspire, vision, and the soft skills of emotional intelligence.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>"The Qualified Sales Leader: Proven Lessons from a Five Time CRO" shares valuable lessons for sales leaders and sales reps selling enterprise software solutions. In a conversational and easy to read narrative style, this must-read book provides learnings on how sales leaders can help their reps sell more for higher average deal sizes to executive level buyers. Written by the top sales leader at five public software companies, this is a powerful book that helps optimize sales and business performance. The learnings in "The Qualified Sales Leader" will help you and your sales team sell more, make more money, and grow your career in enterprise sales. This is a practical sales leadership book that offers solutions to common place problems. Far too few sales leaders align skillsets with account complexity. Most reps can't find a champion to help them control the process. Top sales leaders face problems like this every day, and they will find the answers to these issues and more in "...


  • <p>A LEADER PROVIDES, by Ernest R. Twigg and Robert S. Nahas, takes 200 years of U.S. Marine Corps strategy on developing leaders and combines it with long-term business experience, successful entrepreneurial knowledge and social intercourse, to the end of having any group to better get along and increase their survival potential through increased productivity. With everyone agreeing on the overall group's purpose, with high accord, and by having everyone pushing in the SAME direction, the levels of success that can be attained surpasses anything we've seen to date - in ANY economy. All of this takes a great leader to accomplish - the one person that all look up to, respect, seek guidance from, and would do anything for. A LEADER PROVIDES teaches anyone to become a great leader of others; whether their group were to be a family, a company or nation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら を...


  • オリムピック Graphiteleader PROTONE BC プロトンボートキャスティング 20GPTNS-83-3-BC■全長(m):2.51■自重(g):(246)■先径/元径(mm):2.7■継数(本):2■仕舞寸法(cm):185.0■適合ルアー(g):25-70■適合ライン(号):PEMAX4■発売年:2020/10■生産国:日本■保証書:有り≪オリムピック Graphiteleader キャスティングロッド≫(大型商品A)●高強度素材トレカ®T1100G、4軸組布をフルレングスで採用したオフショアキャスティングロッド プロトンBC(ボートキャスティング)が堂々のデビュー。全身しなやかでパワフルな筋肉質ブランクス。圧倒的な飛距離と操作性。相手に主導権を与えないパワー。アングラーへの負担を軽減する粘り。より快適に、かつパワフルに魚との距離を縮めます。●極小ベイト偏食に小型ルアーの遠投で対応するフィネスモデル。「在庫有り」の表示であっても、必ずしも在庫を保証するものではありません。掲載商品につきましては、各モール及び実店舗と在庫を共有しております。完売や欠品の場合は、誠にご迷惑をお掛けいたしますが、御注文をキャンセルさせていただく場合がございます。予めご了承ください。T1100Gをフルレングスで採用したキャスティングモデル
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