
オヴェラ ネグラ 2021 マス カンディ (ラ サラーダ)Mas Candi (Celler La Salada) Ovella Nagra【ドラマ「100万回言えばよかった」主演女優着用】 喪服 ブラックフォーマル 礼服 パンツスーツ パンツ レディース 大きいサイズ ロング丈 洗える スーツ フォーマル ロング 卒業式 入学式 30代 40代 50代 60代 ゆったり おしゃれ 7号 9号 11号 13号 15号 17号 NGR-2139Securitized Citizens Canadian Muslims’ Experiences of Race Relations and Identity Formation Post 9/11【電子書籍】 Baljit NagraLook We Have Coming to Dover 【電子書籍】 Daljit NagraThe Truth of Tibet A Nation the World Lost【電子書籍】 Brigadier Jasbir Singh Nagraindiom【電子書籍】 Daljit Nagra【ドラマ「100万回言えばよかった」主演女優着用】 喪服 ブラックフォーマル 礼服 パンツスーツ パンツ レディース 大きいサイズ ロング丈 洗える スーツ フォーマル ロング 卒業式 入学式 30代 40代 50代 60代 ゆったり おしゃれ 7号 9号 11号 13号 15号 17号 NGR-21394/20 24h限定クーポン対象 ダックキャスケット ハンチング キャスハンチング ニュースキャップ メンズ レディース M58cm XL62cm MEGA65cm 大きいサイズの帽子 秋冬 春夏 紫外線対策 UV 小顔効果 アナグラム ANAGRAM アウトドア ギフトラッピング対応 新生活LOEWE ロエベ 三つ折り財布 C821S33X01 C821S33X07 ANAGRAM SMALL VERTICAL WALLET レディース アナグラム バーティカル ウォレット カラー7色【TVドラマ「君が心をくれたから」永野芽郁さん着用】 喪服 レディース ブラックフォーマル 正喪服 礼服 ロング丈 大きいサイズ 前開き 黒 スーツ フォーマル ブラウス スカート 入園式 卒園式 卒業式 30代 40代 50代 9号 11号 13号 15号 17号 19号 21号 NGR-2128 送料無料【TVドラマ「君が心をくれたから」永野芽郁さん着用】 喪服 レディース ブラックフォーマル 正喪服 礼服 ロング丈 大きいサイズ 前開き 黒 スーツ フォーマル ブラウス スカート 入園式 卒園式 卒業式 30代 40代 50代 9号 11号 13号 15号 17号 19号 21号 NGR-2128 送料無料Tibet: Betrayed by the World Tibet 039 s Struggle for Freedom【電子書籍】 Brigadier Jasbir Singh NagraElisir【電子書籍】 Nagra Demaria【あす楽】【毎日出荷】本革 バケツ型バッグ ショルダーバッグ レディース ドローストリング 巾着バッグ キューブ型バッグ レザー ワンハンドル ラウンド ワンショルダー ミニショルダーバッグ 2WAY 斜め掛け OTONA grandegrace 母の日Tippoo Sultan 039 s Incredible White-Man-Eating Tiger Toy-Machine 【電子書籍】 Daljit Nagra【あす楽】【毎日出荷】トートバッグ ショルダーバッグ レディース 大人 2WAY ナイロントートバッグ ナイロンショルダーバッグ ナイロンバッグ 軽量 a4 横 上品 軽いバッグ 斜め掛け 通勤バッグ 仕事バッグ OTONA grande grace グランデグレイス 母の日Surreptitious Software Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection【電子書籍】 Jasvir NagraRamayana【電子書籍】 Daljit NagraBritish Museum【電子書籍】 Daljit Nagra【あす楽】【毎日出荷】スマホポシェット 本革 レディース スマホショルダー スマホポーチ スマートフォンショルダー きれいめ 斜めがけ ショルダーバッグ ミニショルダー ブランド ワンマイルバッグ レザー 大人 縦型 軽量 グランデグレイス 母の日


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  • <p>Uninformed and reactionary responses in the years following the events of 9/11 and the ongoing ‘War on Terror’ have greatly affected ideas of citizenship and national belonging.</p> <p>In <em>Securitized Citizens</em>, Baljit Nagra, develops a new critical analysis of the ideas dominant groups and institutions try to impose on young Canadian Muslims and how in turn they contest and reconceptualize these ideas. Nagra conducted fifty in-depth interviews with young Muslim adults in Vancouver and Toronto and her analysis reveals how this group experienced national belonging and exclusion in light of the Muslim ‘other’, how they reconsidered their cultural and religious identity, and what their experiences tell us about contemporary Canadian citizenship.</p> <p>The rich and lively interviews in <em>Securitized Citizens</em> successfully capture the experiences and feelings of well-educated, second-generation, and young Canadian Muslims. Nagra acutely explores how rac...


  • <p><em>Look We Have Coming to Dover!</em> is the most acclaimed debut collection of poetry published in recent years, as well as one of the most relevant and accessible. Nagra, whose own parents came to England from the Punjab in the 1950s, draws on both English and Indian-English traditions to tell stories of alienation, assimilation, aspiration and love, from a stowaway's first footprint on Dover Beach to the disenchantment of subsequent generations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>In October 1950, within days of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, Mao achieved an exceptional feat that no ruler of Dynastic China had ever accomplished before - the annexation of Tibet. The achievement was unique in that Tibet, with a territorial expanse four and a half times the size of France, a cultural heritage as old as that of any ancient civilization of the world, and seat of one of largest religions of the world, was forcibly occupied without any intervention by nations who claimed to be champions of liberty, freedom, human rights, and equality. Amazingly, the nation whose national security was directly affected by the act, not only remained oblivious, but played an active role in the demise of Tibet. It was a tragedy that was to torment India forever.<br /> This book offers a stirring account of the secret history of Tibet from its earliest settlement, its Golden Age, its heroes, its wars, its politics and intrigues, its transition into one of the...


  • <p>A cast of 'Indic-heritage poets' meets to perform poems and discuss the future of poetry. <em>indiom</em> engages eclectic, often Rabelaisian styles on subjects as various as the Indian poet Nissim Ezekiel, Shakespearean comedy, <em>Under Milk Wood</em>, <em>The Simpsons</em> and Newcastle United.<br /> Daljit Nagra's mock epic scrutinises the legacies of Empire and issues such as power and status, casteism and colourism, mimicry and mockery. What is Britishness now? How can humour help us survive hardship? The result is a capacious 'talkie'/poem/play of resistance and redress whose ludic structures defy boundaries: a story of intertextual and misplaced identities, gods and miracles, celluloid tragedy and blushing romantic desire amid an awkwardly rolling cricket ball and rioting poodles.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文で...


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  • <p>On 28 April 1954, history was made. Never before had any nation outreached another nation that did not even share a common border, with an offer to occupy its immediate neighbour, sacrificing strategic interests. Strangely, the country that was directly involved was not even consulted. To add to the weirdness, the Indian Government continued to defend China’s act of treason against Tibet in international forums and also misled its citizens. How the India-Tibet border was converted into the Sino-Indian border in 1954 is both intriguing and tragic.<br /> With Great Britain in the lead, several other nations that had exploited Tibet for decades for various one-sided benefits brazenly decided to desert it at the time of its crisis and feigned conniving ignorance about its political status. Tibet, as a theocracy, with no armed forces and reliable ally, was an alluring target for expansionist China.<br /> What lies ahead for Tibet is a geostrategically important issue not only fo...


  • <p>"Elisir" ? un concentrato di storie dall'impronta fiabesca, volto a stuzzicare il pensiero e la riflessione su quelle che possono essere le tematiche pi? importanti della vita. La solitudine, il senso di abbandono, la gioia, la determinazione, i sentimenti e molti altri, talvolta presi in considerazione singolarmente, talvolta accostati fra loro per trarne le dovute conclusioni. Seppure ogni racconto sia a s? stante, nessuno si discosta dall'emisfero Fantastico di cui fa parte; proprio come una pozione magica si distilla mescolando diversi elementi per formare un'unica soluzione.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p><em>Look We Have Coming to Dover!</em>, the remarkable debut by Daljit Nagra, marked the arrival of a thrilling new voice in poetry and won the Forward Prize for Best First Collection along the way. In this, his second volume, his writing shows every bit the same verve and excitement that made his first book an unmissable event. <em>Tippoo Sultan's Incredible White-Man-Eating Tiger Toy-Machine!!!</em> takes its cue from the eighteenth-century automaton (a tiger savaging a British soldier) in a series of poems that begin at the throat of the old British Empire. In these vivid, real and sometimes surreal pieces, Daljit Nagra creates his own inimitable linguistic bhaji: where Shakespeare meets the Subcontinent in a range of forms from English sonnets to spectacular displays of 'bollyverse' or the tender love songs of the monsoon. The poems take their bearings from cornershops and classrooms, the strange, part-arcadian, part-hellish streets of 'Londonstan' and the places wh...


  • ベロ付イカ型ナイロン2WAYトート グランデグレイス/grandegrace ▼ブラック▼ ▼パイソン/ブラック▼ ブラック 自然な光沢の高密度ナイロン一般的なブラック パーツ:ブラック ハンドル/ショルダーベルト:ブラック メタルパーツ:ゴールド インナー:ダークブラウン系 パイソン/ブラック 自然な光沢の高密度ナイロン一般的なブラック パーツ:パイソン柄(蛇柄) ハンドル/ショルダーベルト:ブラック メタルパーツ:ゴールド インナー:ダークブラウン系 ※別売りbelt-01ゼブラ・レオパードショルダーはこちら


  • <p><em>“This book gives thorough, scholarly coverage of an area of growing importance in computer security and is a ‘must have’ for every researcher, student, and practicing professional in software protection.”</em><br /> ーMikhail Atallah, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at Purdue University</p> <p><strong>Theory, Techniques, and Tools for Fighting Software Piracy, Tampering, and Malicious Reverse Engineering</strong></p> <p>The last decade has seen significant progress in the development of techniques for resisting software piracy and tampering. These techniques are indispensable for software developers seeking to protect vital intellectual property. <em><strong>Surreptitious Software</strong></em> is the first authoritative, comprehensive resource for researchers, developers, and students who want to understand these approaches, the level of security they afford, and the performance penalty they incur.</p> <p>Christian Collberg and Jas...


  • <p>Attributed to Valmiki, thought to be India's first poet, the Ramayana's origins date back thousands of years when it was first committed to Sanskrit. Since then, generations of children the world over have grown up with its story of Rama's quest to recover his wife Sita from her abduction by Raavana, the Lord of the Underworld. The tale has been celebrated in many languages and has spread to many other countries including Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia. It is used as a Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Islamic, Sikh as well as a secular text, and lives in in many art forms too: in drama and dance, in sculpture and painting, in prose and in poetry.<br /> Daljit Nagra was captivated by the versions his grandparents regaled him with as a child. Now an award-winning poet of dazzling gifts, he has chosen to bring the story to life in a vivid and enthralling version of his own. Accessible and engaging, and bursting with energy, Nagra's <em>Ramayana</e...


  • <p>Daljit Nagra possesses one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary English poetry. <em>British Museum</em> is his third collection, following his electrifying version of the epic <em>Ramayana</em>, and marks a significant departure of style to something quieter, more contemplative and inquisitive, at times valedictory. His political edge has been honed in a series of meditations and reflections upon our heritage, our legacy, and the institutions that define them: the BBC, Hadrian's Wall, the Sikh gurdwaras of our towns, the British Museum of the title poem. With compassion and charisma, Nagra explores the impact of the first wave of mass migration to our shores, the Arab Spring, the allure of extremism along with a series of personal poems about the pressures of growing up in a traditional community. <em>British Museum</em> is a book that asks profound questions of our ethics and responsibilities at a time of great challenge to our sense of national identity....


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