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  • <p><strong>The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 15!</strong></p> <p>Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day.</p> <p>Covered in this volume:<br /> ? Lessons from a plethora of mega-bestseller novels<br /> ? A new exercise Michael developed to strengthen his vocabulary<br /> ? Experiments in AI editing<br /> ? Adventures in fitness and nutrition<br /> ? and more!</p> <p>The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too.</p> <p>Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential?</p> <p>V1.0</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお...


  • <p><strong>This collection contains Volumes 12-15 of the groundbreaking, behind-the-scenes series of a working writer’s journey!</strong></p> <p>Ever wondered what bestselling authors think about on a daily basis?</p> <p>M.L. Ronn is the author of many books of fiction and nonfiction. This book series is a diary of all the lessons he’s learning as he navigates how to master the craft of writing, marketing, and running a profitable publishing business.</p> <p>Most writers don’t talk about the everyday lessons they learn because they might seem mundane, boring, or obvious. Many only start talking about their success once they’ve achieved it.</p> <p>This book is the exact opposite: it’s about a writer learning how to be successful and documenting the process.</p> <p>The ideas in this book are what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. They’re insider ideasーyou may find them interesting and useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer.<...
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