pearson chemistry

Pearson Edexcel A Level Chemistry (Year 1 and Year 2)【電子書籍】 Andrew Hunt(出版社)Pearson Education Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-1-292-02436-3


  • <p><strong>Develop and assess your students' knowledge and skills throughout A level with worked examples, practical assessment guidance and differentiated end of topic questions in this updated, all-in-one textbook for Years 1 and 2.</strong></p> <p>Combining everything your students need to know for the Pearson Edexcel A level Chemistry specification, this revised textbook will:</p> <p>- Identify the level of your students' understanding with diagnostic questions and a summary of prior knowledge at the start of the Student Book.<br /> - Provide support for all 16 required practicals with various activities and questions, along with a 'Practical' chapter covering procedural understanding and key ideas related to measurement.<br /> - Improve mathematical skills with plenty of worked examples, including notes on methods to help explain the strategies for solving each type of problem.<br /> - Offer plenty of practice with 'Test yourself' questions to help students ...


  • (出版社)Pearson Education Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Bruice, Paula Yurkanis●和文:ブルース 有機化学 第7版●頁数他:1,344 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:7th ed.●出版社:Pearson Education●発行日:2013/7/30
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