physics and chemistry of interfaces

Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces【電子書籍】 Hans-J rgen Butt


  • <p><strong>Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces</strong></p> <p><strong>Comprehensive textbook on the interdisciplinary field of interface science, fully updated with new content on wetting, spectroscopy, and coatings</strong></p> <p><em>Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces</em> provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of surface and interface science, focusing on essential concepts rather than specific details, and on intuitive understanding rather than convoluted math. Numerous high-end applications from surface technology, biotechnology, and microelectronics are included to illustrate and help readers easily comprehend basic concepts.</p> <p>The new edition contains an increased number of problems with detailed, worked solutions, making it ideal as a self-study resource. In topic coverage, the highly qualified authors take a balanced approach, discussing advanced interface phenomena in detail while remaining comprehensible. Chapter summaries with...
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