
MOSIAC Prose poems【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniTravel Expressive Narrative Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Anwer Ghani【明日04/22(水)20時~】\お買い物マラソン / 最大2,000OFFクーポン配布中 ※バナー参照■□【中古】プローズポエム prose poem ノースリーブワンピース ロング 薄手 裏地付き 無地 ポリ100 XL 13AR パープル 紫×ピンク レディースGreat American Prose Poems From Poe to the Present【電子書籍】Trials and Tribulations of Dirty Shame, Oklahoma And Other Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Sy HoahwahWest Wind Poems and Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Mary OliverSunset and Orange: A prose poem cycle【電子書籍】 James DeagleTrials and Tribulations of Dirty Shame, Oklahoma: And Other Prose Poems TRIALS TRIBULATIONS OF DIRTY (Mary Burritt Christiansen Poetry) Sy HoahwahThe Edinburgh Companion to the Prose Poem EDINBURGH COMPANION TO THE PRO (Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities) Mary Ann CawsI am an Iraqi Man Along prose poem【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniMusic for Unknown Journeys by Cristian Aliaga: New and Selected Prose Poems: Travels in Europe, Afri MUSIC FOR UNKNOWN JOURNEYS BY (Aris Phillips Hispanic Classics) Ben BolligHE IS A SOLDIER Narrative Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniDream Tales and Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Ivan Sergeevich TurgenevColored Whispers prose poems【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniThe Trauma Mantras A Memoir in Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Adrie KusserowExpressive Narrative Prose Poems prose poems【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniFantastic Imaginary Creatures An Anthology of Contemporary Prose Poems【電子書籍】It is a Matter of Love Love Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniNarratopoet Narrative Prose Poems【電子書籍】 Anwer GhaniMOSAICKED POEMS Mosaicked Prose poems 2018【電子書籍】 Anwer Ghani


  • <p>The ideas, as any creature, always try to present in full and powerful existences. So, one idea may wear many dresses to show itself and the writer should listen to her voice and give attention to her wishes.</p> <p>To accomplish all these targets, the writing should have an efficient existence with the occurrence which gives full and powerful transfiguration of ideas. This efficient transfiguring property of writing can appear with multi-expressive structures, where the sentences bring the same deep idea and central message but they appear in different images and statements. This system we call "The Mosaic". In the mosaic transfiguring system, the sentences appear as mirrors. The mirrored system of the textual sentences forms an intellectual existence imitates the mosaic.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Endless Travel is a collection of expressive narrative prose poems.</p> <p>The travel of our souls is an innate desire. Just as we cannot live without food, we cannot live without this traveling desire. One of the pages of travel life is writing which can reach the land of hope and illuminates dark areas. Beautiful writing, like poetry, can change our awareness of world by its traveling features that make us fly with joy and pleasure.</p> <p>In our deep interior there are travel areas where everything means everything, and when we talk about something, we talk about something else. In this area and at this level, what happened is the travel of feelings, meanings and impression. Writing becomes sometime a great travel, and here shows the creativity of poetry. From this point of view, writing is a travel, and our souls use creative writing in that wide traveling. The idea may wear many dresses to show itself and the writer should listen to its voice and take care of its w...


  • 【中古】プローズポエム prose poem ノースリーブワンピース ロング 薄手 裏地付き 無地 ポリ100% XL 13AR パープル 紫×ピンク レディース 商品データ ブランド prose poem ( プローズポエム ) 商品タイトル プローズポエム prose poem ノースリーブワンピース ロング 薄手 裏地付き 無地 ポリ100% XL 13AR パープル 紫×ピンク レディース カラー パープル 紫×ピンク サイズ表記 XL 13AR 実寸サイズ (タグ表記:XL 13AR)・肩幅33cm・身幅50cm・袖丈-cm・総丈116cm・裾幅61cm・ウエスト(くびれ部分)88cm 素材 ポリ100% 状態 【 A 】 USED品ですがほとんど使用感もなく美品です。 商品状態・ディテールなど (※実測寸法など、多少の誤差はご容赦下さい。)(※商品は衣類の場合は全て畳んで保管しており、服飾雑貨も靴以外は必要に応じ畳んで保管しております。保管や梱包による畳み皺などはご了承下さい。)●気になったダメージの場所と種類:  ・所々:-  ・全体:-  ・肩:-  ・右袖:-  ・左袖:-  ・袖口:-  ・胸:-  ・腹部:-  ・ウエスト:-  ・前身頃(ボトム):-  ・後ろ身頃(ボトム):-  ・裏地:-  ・内側:-●その他ディテール:ファスナーなど...


  • <p>A prose poem is a poem written in prose rather than verse. But what does that really mean? Is it an indefinable hybrid? An anomaly in the history of poetry? Are the very words "prose poem" an oxymoron? This groundbreaking anthology edited by celebrated poet David Lehman, editor of <em>The Best American Poetry</em> series, traces the form in all its dazzling variety from Poe and Emerson to Auden and Ashbery and on, right up to the present.</p> <p>In his brilliant and lucid introduction, Lehman explains that a prose poem can make use of all the strategies and tactics of poetry, but works in sentences rather than lines. He also summarizes the prose poem's French heritage, its history in the United States, and the salient differences between verse and prose. Arranged chronologically to allow readers to trace the gradual development of this hybrid genre, the poems anthologized here include important works from such masters of American literature as Gertrude Stein, William Ca...


  • <p><em>Trials and Tribulations of Dirty Shame, Oklahoma</em> beautifully showcases Comanche gothic literature, a new genre in Indigenous literature, at its creative best. In the tradition of <em>The</em> <em>Iliad</em> and <em>Paradise Lost</em>, this book is an epic poem of heroic and biblical proportions. Three Indigenous young people discover that the Holy Grail has been on the North American continent for centuries, and in Oklahoma for the last two. Battling both human and supernatural enemies, Velroy, Mia, and Stoney struggle to get the Holy Grail out of Indian Country to save their families and community and bring true peace back to their ordinary, Dirty Shame lives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The New York Times has called Mary Oliver's poems "thoroughly convincing - as genuine, moving, and implausible as the first caressing breeze of spring." In this stunning collection of forty poems - nineteen previously unpublished - she writes of nature and love, of the way they transform over time. And the way they remain constant. And what did you think love would be like? A summer day? The brambles in their places, and the long stretches of mud? Flowers in every field, in every garden, with their soft beaks and their pastel shoulders? On one street after another, the litter ticks in the gutter. In one room after another, the lovers meet, quarrel, sicken, break apart, cry out. One or two leap from windows. Most simply lean, exhausted, their thin arms on the sill. They have done all they could. The golden eagle, that lives not far from here, has perhaps a thousand tiny feathers flowing from the back of its head, each one shaped like an infinitely small but perfect spear.</p>...


  • <p>A series of prose poems exploring the nature of longing. Here you'll find desire for a person suffused with a nostalgic sense of place, or vice versa. This work portrays a heart aching to return to its home - be it a someone or a somewhere.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS OF DIRTY Mary Burritt Christiansen Poetry Sy Hoahwah UNIV OF NEW MEXICO PR2024 Paperback English ISBN:9780826365958 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Poetry


  • EDINBURGH COMPANION TO THE PRO Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities Mary Ann Caws Michel Delville EDINBURGH UNIV PR2021 Hardcover English ISBN:9781474462747 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Literary Criticism


  • <p>I have always been interested in mutual writing, where the speaker speaks in the form of me and wants you or they or them, and speaks in the form of the absent, but he wants himself. In the reciprocal language, the souls are mixed, everything becomes anything else, the person becomes the whole and the whole becomes one. In this long poem, I adopted the reciprocal language, where the term "I" here usually refers to what we, you, he, you, she, all that or otherwise, and I rarely mean "I".</p> <p>I am an Iraqi man, means he is, you are, we, it, you, they are, and all this, and Iraq means any land and the whole land.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • MUSIC FOR UNKNOWN JOURNEYS BY Aris & Phillips Hispanic Classics Ben Bollig LIVERPOOL UNIV PR2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781800348103 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Literary Criticism


  • <p>"He is a soldier" is a collection of narrative prose poems by Iraqi prose poetry writer Anwer Ghani .</p> <p>In literature, there is poetry and prose, and in the middle prose - poetry. According to the characters of the superficial and deep structures of the text, each text or writing has a superficial structure and it is the first building and level of understanding in the process of hearing or reading, and a deep structure which is the analytical level and symbolism in this writing system. While poetry is characterized by deep rhythmic and fragmented superficial structures, prose, on the contrary, is distinguished by its superficial and deep non-rhythmic structure. But in prose poetry, we find the non-rhythmic, non-fragmented surface structure and the deep rhythmic, fragmented structure, which is the reason for the crossbreeding of prose poetry. So, prose poetry is a mixture of prose, poetry, rhythm and non-rhythm.</p> <p>Prose poetry can be produced in a narrative or...


  • <p>"Dream Tales and Prose Poems" by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was a Russian novelist, short story writer, poet, and playwright who helped bring Russian literature to the West. The Insect, Cabbage Soup, The Realm of Azure, Two Rich Men, The Old Man, The Reporter, The Two Brothers, The Egoist, The Banquet of the Supreme Being, The Sphinx, The Nymphs, Friend and Enemy, and Christ are just a few of the magical tales and poems in this collection.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Colored whispers by more than sixty prose poems written by Anwer Ghani in the first half of 2019, we find the same message that Anwer repeats in his speeches and writings that it is the call for a life of peace for the war-ravaged Iraqi people.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><em>The Trauma Mantras</em> is a memoir by medical anthropologist, teacher, and writer Adrie Kusserow, who has worked with refugees and humanitarian projects in Bhutan, Nepal, India, Uganda, South Sudan, and the United States. It is a memoir of witness and humility and, ultimately, a way to critique and gain a fresh perspective on Western approaches to the self, suffering, and healing. Kusserow interrogates the way American culture prizes a psychologized individualism, the supposed fragility of the self. In relentlessly questioning the Western tribe of individualism with a hunger to bust out of such narrow confines, she hints at the importance of <em>widening</em> the American self. As she delves into humanity’s numerous social and political ills, she does not let herself off the hook, reflecting rigorously on her own position and commitments. Kusserow travels the world in these poetic meditations, exploring the desperate fictions that “East” and “West” still cling to a...


  • <p>It is me, Anwer Ghanim; a farmer from the south where the strangeness had drowned in the gulf. My voice is a watery tale and my yearning is an absent moment. Someday I had crossed into that sorcerous riverbank with a boat of silence. I had looked at the face of the field when it chanted its song. At that time, I had met the travelers’ souls which gave me their treasure. They gifted my ribs unforgettable beats and hid in my pocket their eternal secrets.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The prose poem is the literary sphinx, the literary chimera, minotaur, gryphon?part one thing, part another and at their best, they’re magical, mythical. <em>Fantastic Imaginary Creatures</em> collects the best contemporary prose poems that demonstrate the potentiality and plasticity the form allows. Some of these poems have been previously published, and some are brand spanking new.</p> <h3>The Contributors:</h3> <p>Valerie Bacharach, Ujjvala Bagal-Rahn, Ned Balbo, Madeleine Barnes, Michelle Boczek Evory, Rick Campbell, Joseph Capista, Gary Ciocco, TS Coody, Jim Daniels, Anthony DiMatteo, gary fincke, Jeff Friedman, Molly Fuller, Joy Gaines-Friedler, George Guida, Luke Hankins, Gretchen Heyer, Tom Hunley, Anna Jacobson, Peter Johnson, Richard Jordan, Elizabeth Kerlikowske, Gerry LaFemina, Joseph Lerner, Geri Lipschultz, Lorette C. Luzajic, Gary McDowell, Kathleen McGookey, Jennifer Militello, Robert Miltner, Erin Murphy, kerry neville, Robert Perchan, Christine Rhe...


  • <p>These are selected prose poems on love written in 2020. Anwer</p> <p>Isn't it nice to live in a time that fills you with love? So, I became more transparent and smiled. Don't you feel that many of those stars have come together? There is little left to shine love. Yes, I know, and I know it is a matter of love, and it told me about the deep gaze. So, extend your hand to shake hands with the depths and overcome the strange absence. Yes, I will and we will celebrate. Imagine if I were sitting on the hill and not talking to you, what would be the fate of love? Yes, the fate of love; It is a matter of love.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Prose poetry can be narrative or lyric. If the style is lyric in both superficial and deep layers, there will be lyric prose poetry, while if the style was narrative in both superficial and deep layers; there will be the narrative prose poetry. But we can find the superficial narrative structure with the deep lyric structure. In this case there will be the hybrid of Narrato-lyric prose poetry, and this the second hybrid inside the first hybrid of proso-poetry. So the Narratolyric prose poetry is a hybrid inside a hybrid or a compound hybridization.</p> <p>I am happy to introduce these pieces of my experience in narrative lyricism, and for more details about the narratolrysicism you can read my book "Narratolryic Writing" on my website.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>In the mosaicked writing multiple texts have appeared in different theme and story but they are one in their deep idea and letters. In my "mosaicked expressive narrative" there are multiple poems in one poem so there are primary title and secondary titles. The adjective primary titles of the triple pieces is the depiction of the poems and not the themes, that is to say it is a descriptive title of the titles where the poems behave as a mirror in a mosaic system.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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