second language acquisition

Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition【電子書籍】 A. D. CohenIntroduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition【電子書籍】 Shawn LoewenDifficulties in second language acquisition An analysis of the lexemes travel, journey, trip, voyage with a teaching unit【電子書籍】 Konstantin SeitzFirst and Second Language Acquisition Parallels and Differences【電子書籍】 J rgen M. MeiselSecond Language Acquisition Introducing Intervention Research【電子書籍】 Tania IoninEvidence-Based Second Language Pedagogy A Collection of Instructed Second Language Acquisition Studies【電子書籍】【中古】 Second language acquisition of English p / 林 正人 / 英宝社 単行本 【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】Is there a Second Chance for First Language Acquisition First and Second Language Acquisition【電子書籍】 Nadine CusterExploring Language Pedagogy through Second Language Acquisition Research【電子書籍】 Rod EllisTheories in Second Language Acquisition An Introduction【電子書籍】Musical Intelligence and Its Impact on English Pronunciation Skills in the Process of Second Language Acquisition【電子書籍】 Ewa KuszPractice and Automatization in Second Language Research Perspectives from Skill Acquisition Theory and Cognitive Psychology【電子書籍】To what extent does the quality of input affect the process and ultimate attainment in second language acquisition 【電子書籍】 Verena Sch rkhuberThe Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Speaking【電子書籍】The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences【電子書籍】Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism A Research Synthesis and Methodological Guide【電子書籍】 Aline GodfroidOptionality and overgeneralisation patterns in second language acquisition: Where has the expletive ensconced ≪it≫self 【電子書籍】 Nadia VarleySecond Language Acquisition Applied to English Language Teaching 2ND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION APPLI (English Language Teacher Development) Michael Lessard-CloustonUnderstanding Second Language Acquisition 2nd Edition【電子書籍】 Rod EllisKey Topics in Second Language Acquisition【電子書籍】 Prof. Vivian Cook


  • <p>Provides a unique and timely re-examination of key issues such as strategies in context, strategy instruction, and strategy research methods by numerous experts in the field. Offers an invaluable overview of what is known from empirical research about listening, reading, speaking, writing, vocabulary, and grammar strategies. Proposes a clear and focused research agenda for the next decades. Research into language learner strategies has the fundamental goal of improving the teaching and learning of second languages. This book explores the notion that the reason some learners of second languages excel and others struggle lies in what the learners themselves do-the strategies they bring to language learning and to language use.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Now in its second edition, <em>Introduction to Instructed Second Language Acquisition</em> continues to present a cohesive view of the different theoretical and pedagogical perspectives that comprise instructed second language acquisition (ISLA). Loewen provides comprehensive discussions of the theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical aspects of a range of key issues in ISLA, and has added to this edition a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between ISLA research and second language pedagogy. Also new is the addition of supporting features including new end-of-chapter activities, points for reflection, and discussion questions, as well as thoroughly revised content to reflect the most recent research in ISLA. This is an essential resource for students new to ISLA, or working in second language acquisition more generally.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして...


  • <p>Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject English - Pedagogy, Didactics, Literature Studies, grade: 1, University of Marburg (Institut f?r Anglistik/Amerikanistik), course: HS Lexical Semantics, 14 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: Every learner of a foreign language has experienced the problem that very often there is more than one meaning to a lexeme, and one needs a good command of English through experience to chose the right translation in order to avoid mistakes, which might in the worst case lead to a completely different understanding of the meaning that one wanted to convey. The German lexeme Reise has a variety of meanings in English: travel, journey, trip, voyage, crossing, flight, tour, etc., which makes it difficult for the L2-learner to distinguish between them when in need for a translation. Some are fairly easy to use, but others become confusing, if one looks them up in a dictionary, because their meanings overlap and the boundarie...


  • <p>Infants and very young children develop almost miraculously the ability of speech, without apparent effort, without even being taught - as opposed to the teenager or the adult struggling without, it seems, ever being able to reach the same level of proficiency as five year olds in their first language. This useful textbook serves as a guide to different types of language acquisition: monolingual and bilingual first language development and child and adult second language acquisition. Unlike other books, it systematically compares first and second language acquisition, drawing on data from several languages. Research questions and findings from various subfields are helpfully summarized to show students how they are related and how they often complement each other. The essential guide to studying first and second language acquisition, it will be used on courses in linguistics, modern languages and developmental psychology.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※...


  • <p>Based on classic and cutting-edge research, this textbook shows how grammatical phenomena can best be taught to second language and bilingual learners. Bringing together second language research, linguistics, pedagogical grammar, and language teaching, it demonstrates how linguistic theory and second language acquisition findings optimize classroom intervention research. The book assumes a generative approach but covers intervention studies from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Each chapter describes relevant linguistic structures, discusses core challenges, summarizes research findings, and concludes with classroom and lab-based intervention studies. The authors provide tools to help to design linguistically informed intervention studies, including discussion questions, application questions, case studies, and sample interventions. Online resources feature lecture slides and intervention materials, with data analysis exercises, ensuring the content is clear and ready to ...


  • <p><em>Evidence-Based Second Language Pedagogy</em> is a cutting-edge collection of empirical research conducted by top scholars focusing on instructed second language acquisition (ISLA) and offering a direct contribution to second language pedagogy by closing the gap between research and practice. Building on the conceptual, state-of-the-art chapters in <em>The Routledge Handbook of Instructed Second Language Acquisition</em> (2017), studies in this volume are organized according to the key components of ISLA: types of instruction, learning processes, learning outcomes, and learner and teacher psychology. The volume responds to pedagogical needs in different L2 teaching and learning settings by including a variety of theoretical frameworks (sociological, psychological, sociocultural, and cognitive), methodologies (qualitative and quantitative), target languages (English, Spanish, and Mandarin), modes of instruction (face-to-face and computer-mediated), targets of instruct...


  • 著者:林 正人出版社:英宝社サイズ:単行本ISBN-10:4269770368ISBN-13:9784269770362■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※あす楽ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記に...


  • <p>Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject English - Pedagogy, Didactics, Literature Studies, grade: 1.0, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Anglistik), course: Psycholinguistic, language: English, abstract: The goal of this term paper is to answer the question if it is possible to achieve a later language acquisition than in the stage of a baby or a toddler, like the problems so called feral children have by discovering language at a later point in life. Therefore, it is necessary to define and describe the terms first language acquisition and feral children first. Afterwards (chapter three), the difference between first and second language acquisition will be clarified and it will also been mentioned, why it is not possible for feral children to acquire the first language like other people acquire the second language in a later point in time. To show this, different cases of those children with language acquisition in extreme situations will be used to underline the thesi...


  • <p><em>Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics</em> is a series of introductory level textbooks covering the core topics in Applied Linguistics, primarily designed for those beginning postgraduate studies, or taking an introductory MA course as well as advanced undergraduates. Titles in the series are also ideal for language professionals returning to academic study.</p> <p>The books take an innovative 'practice to theory' approach, with a 'back-to-front' structure. This leads the reader from real-world problems and issues, through a discussion of intervention and how to engage with these concerns, before finally relating these practical issues to theoretical foundations. Additional features include a glossary of key terms, and discussion questions.</p> <p>Following the back-to-front approach of the series, the book takes problematic issues in language pedagogy as its starting points. These are then examined in terms of second language acquisition. Each chapter ...


  • <p>This third edition of the best-selling <em>Theories in Second Language Acquisition</em> surveys the major theories currently used in second language acquisition (SLA) research, serving as an ideal introductory text for undergraduate and graduate students in SLA and language teaching.</p> <p>Designed to provide a consistent and coherent presentation for those seeking a basic understanding of the theories that underlie contemporary SLA research, each chapter focuses on a single theory. Chapters are written by leading scholars in the field and incorporate a basic foundational description of the theory, relevant data or research models used with this theory, common misunderstandings, and a sample study from the field to show the theory in practice.</p> <p>New to this edition is a chapter addressing the relationship between theories and L2 teaching, as well as refreshed coverage of all theories throughout the book. A key work in the study of second language acquisition, ...


  • <p>This book delves into the convergence between musical intelligence and L2 pronunciation skills. It starts with a detailed description of the theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner (1983) with particular reference to musical intelligence. It also constitutes an attempt at describing the relationship between musical intelligence and other intelligences. A detailed description of the prosodic features of speaker's pronunciation skills is the "prelude" to the methodology of research, as well as the research results, which take into consideration some of the most problematic issues, including the outcomes obtained from Wing's musical intelligence test and pronunciation test measured by three independent English native speakers and by Praat.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Practice is a recurring and popular theme in language education. However, the concepts of practice and automatization have recently received renewed theoretical and practical interest and are increasingly being explored from the skill acquisition theory and cognitive psychology perspectives.</p> <p>In this volume, leading scholars discuss the optimal types, amounts, and schedules of practice for specific language structures and skills, as well as for various types of learners and learning contexts, to facilitate second language development. They illuminate how practice is instantiated for specific groups of teachers and learners in diverse institutionalized contexts, such as foreign language curriculum development, intelligent computer-assisted language learning systems, task-based language teaching, and study abroad. Furthermore, original methodological syntheses of extant research on practice and automatization are presented, along with guides for conducting empirical res...


  • <p>Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject English - Pedagogy, Didactics, Literature Studies, grade: 1,0, University of Edinburgh (English Language and Linguistics Department), course: Second Language Acquisition, 21 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: This essay addresses a question which is central to input research, namely to what extent the quality of input has an effect on SLA, particularly on the learner's ability to comprehend. Thereby the term 'quality' shall be interpreted as referring to any impact of modified input and negotiated interaction that is not related to its amount or frequency. After a brief review of Krashen's Input Hypothesis, Long's Interaction Hypothesis and Swain's Comprehensible Output Hypothesis, I will then proceed to suggest ways in which Foreigner Discourse modifications might facilitate SLA. I shall also review a number of studies dealing with (un)modified input-SLA relationships, among which are Long's (1985) and Gass...


  • <p>This <em>Handbook</em> is a comprehensive volume outlining the foremost issues regarding research and teaching of second language speaking, examining such diverse topics as cognitive processing, articulation, knowledge of pragmatics, instruction in sub-components of speaking (e.g., grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary) and the attrition of the first language. Outstanding academics have contributed chapters to provide an integrated and inclusive perspective on oral language skills. Specialized contexts for speaking are also explored (e.g., English as a Lingua Franca, workplace, and interpreting). <em>The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Speaking</em> will be an indispensable resource for students and scholars in applied linguistics, cognitive psychology, linguistics, and education.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページから...


  • <p><em>The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences</em> provides a thorough, in-depth discussion of the theory, research, and pedagogy pertaining to the role individual difference (ID) factors play in second language acquisition (SLA).</p> <p>It goes beyond the traditional repertoire and includes 32 chapters covering a full spectrum of topics on learners’ cognitive, conative, affective, and demographic/sociocultural variation. The volume examines IDs from two perspectives: one is how each ID variable is associated with learning behaviors, processes, and outcomes; the other is how each domain of SLA, such as vocabulary or reading, is affected by clusters of ID variables. The volume also includes a section on the common methods used in ID research, including data elicitation instruments such as surveys, interviews, and psychometric testing, as well as methods of data analysis such as structural equation modeling.</p> <p>The book is a ...


  • <p><em>Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism</em> provides foundational knowledge and hands-on advice for designing, conducting, and analysing eye-tracking research in applied linguistics. Godfroid’s research synthesis and methodological guide introduces the reader to fundamental facts about eye movements, eye-tracking paradigms for language scientists, data analysis, and the practicalities of building a lab. This indispensable book will appeal to undergraduate students learning principles of experimental design, graduate students developing their theoretical and statistical repertoires, experienced scholars looking to expand their own research, and eye-tracking professionals.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This book discusses the nature of optionality in second language grammars and the indeterminacy observed in second language users’ linguistic representations. For these purposes, experimental data from 213 learners of German and 150 learners of Russian have been collected and analysed with a special focus on the acquisition of various ≪subjectless≫ and impersonal constructions as well as argument licensing. Whereas voice alternations and argument licensing are topics amply discussed in theoretical domains, their practical implementation within second language research has remained a research lacuna. This piece of work intends to fill the gap.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • 2ND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION APPLI English Language Teacher Development Michael LessardーClouston Thomas S. C. Farrell TESOL PR2017 Paperback English ISBN:9781942799948 洋書 Reference & Language(辞典&語学) Foreign Language Study


  • <p>In the 30 years since Rod Ellis first published the award-winning Understanding Second Language Acquisition, it has become a classic text. This new, fully updated edition continues to provide an authoritative and highly readable introduction to key areas of theory and research in second language acquisition. Ellis presents a comprehensive overview of the different theories in this field and examines critical reactions to them. The book reflects recent trends in looking at cognitive and social aspects of second language acquisition, as well as examining the roles played by implicit and explicit instruction in language learning. “An excellent and much-needed, in-depth review of the research on how children and literate adults learn a second language. Ellis provides a sound knowledge base for language teachers and beginning graduate students in applied linguistics, focusing on relevant findings of research on second-language learning by children and literate adults in both natural...


  • <p>This textbook offers an introductory overview of eight hotly-debated topics in second language acquisition research. It offers a glimpse of how SLA researchers have tried to answer common questions about second language acquisition rather than being a comprehensive introduction to SLA research. Each chapter comprises an introductory discussion of the issues involved and suggestions for further reading and study. The reader is asked to consider the issues based on their own experiences, thus allowing them to compare their own intuitions and experiences with established research findings and gain an understanding of methodology. The topics are treated independently so that they can be read in any order that interests the reader.</p> <p>The topics in question are:</p> <p>? how different languages connect in the mind;</p> <p>? whether there is a best age for learning a second language;</p> <p>? the importance of grammar in acquiring and using a second language;</p...
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