shogun clavell

Shogun NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES【電子書籍】 James Clavell新品北米版Blu-ray!【将軍】 James Clavell 039 s Shogun Blu-ray !<リチャード チェンバレン 三船敏郎 島田陽子他> <日本語音声/日本語字幕付き>Shogun Der gro e historische Roman ber die Einigung Japans ー jetzt neu verfilmt als Blockbuster-Serie bei Disney 【電子書籍】 James ClavellShogun SHOGUN (Asian Saga) James ClavellCorrecting James Clavell 039 s novel Shogun : Relations between Japan and European Christian countries, in which an English samurai was involved, changed ... guns, wars, ninja, etc. (English Edition)【電子書籍】 Shiratsuyu AsanoShogun【電子書籍】 James Clavell


  • <h2><strong>NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES</strong></h2> <p><strong>'Clavell never puts a foot wrong . . . Get it, read it, you'll enjoy it mightily'</strong> <em>DAILY MIRROR</em></p> <p>This is James Clavell's tour-de-force; an epic saga of one Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, and his integration into the struggles and strife of feudal Japan. Both entertaining and incisive, <em>SHOGUN</em> is a stunningly dramatic re-creation of a very different world.</p> <p>Starting with his shipwreck on this most alien of shores, the novel charts Blackthorne's rise from the status of reviled foreigner up to the hights of trusted advisor and eventually, Samurai. All as civil war looms over the fragile country.</p> <p><strong>'I can't remember when a novel has seized my mind like this one. It's irresistable, maybe unforgettable. Clavell creates a world so enveloping you forget who and where you are'</strong> <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...


  • 【こちらの商品はお取り寄せの商品になります。入荷の目安:1〜3週間】 ※万が一、メーカーに在庫が無い場合はキャンセルとさせて頂く場合がございます。その際はご了承くださいませ。 James Clavell's Shogun [Blu-ray] 将軍 (1980) [ US / Paramount / Blu-ray ] 新品! ※アメリカ盤ブルーレイですが、国内ブルーレイデッキで日本盤ブルーレイと同じようにご覧頂けます。 ※本編オリジナル日本語吹替え音声/日本語字幕付き! アメリカ全土で“ショーグン”ブームを巻き起こしたTVシリーズ『将軍』の北米盤ブルーレイ!! サムライ・ブーム"を巻き起こした「将軍 SHOGUN」が、 デジタルリマスターでついに初ブルーレイ化! ●リチャード・チェンバレン、三船敏郎、島田陽子をはじめ、日米豪華キャストが華麗に競演! 【ストーリー】 17世紀初頭の日本を舞台に、天下取りの争いに巻き込まれて行く一人の英国人の愛と冒険を描いた歴史ロマン!乗船していたオランダ商船の難破により、伊豆に流れ着いたイギリス人航海士ジョン・ブラックソーン。折しも日本では、有力大名たちが天下を争っており、ブラックソーンは壮絶な覇権争いに巻き込まれていく。そして日本について学ぶため、侍...


  • <p><em><strong>Der gro?e historische Roman ?ber die Einigung Japans und den Aufstieg des Sh?gunats</strong></em> ー jetzt neu verfilmt als Blockbuster-Serie bei Disney+</p> <p>Im Jahr 1600 strandet der englische Navigator John Blackthorne an der K?ste eines Landes, das erst wenige Europ?er erreicht haben: Japan.</p> <p>Blackthorne bleibt nur wenig Zeit, um sich in der fremden Sprache und Kultur zurechtzufinden. Und er muss seine Vorstellungen von Loyalit?t, Mut und Moral hinterfragen.</p> <p>Schon bald ger?t er mitten hinein in den Machtkampf der japanischen F?rsten, der das Land zu zerrei?en droht. Blackthorne tritt in den Dienst des faszinierenden Strategen Toranaga. Doch als er sich in die ?bersetzerin Mariko verliebt ー die Frau eines Samurais in Toranagas Diensten ー wird seine Loyalit?t auf eine harte Probe gestellt.</p> <p>In einem Land, das sich unaufhaltsam wandelt, h?ngt nicht nur Blackthornes ?berleben davon ab, dass er die richtigen Entscheidung...


  • SHOGUN Asian Saga James Clavell BLACKSTONE PUB2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9798212173476 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction


  • <p>Here is a question for you. Back in 1600, do you know which country had the most firearms in the world?</p> <p>The answer is Japan.</p> <p>Firearms were introduced to Japan in 1543. Since then, over a decade, Japan had produced and possessed a hundred thousand firearms, according to a report of the Society of Jesus that had propagated Christianity in Japan in those days. In addition, around 1600, it is considered that the country possessed more than half a million firearms that accounted for half of all the firearms in the world.</p> <p>In “Sh?gun”, a novel by James Clavell and broadcasted as a TV drama, as well as in “The Last Samurai”, a film starring Tom Cruise, Japan was described as if there had been almost no firearms and the country had attacked with only bows and arrows and swords around that time. However, it is completely wrong because, as stated above, Japan was the world’s top possessor of firearms in that time.</p> <p>After the year 1600 in which th...


  • <p><strong>EL ?XITO INTERNACIONAL EN EL QUE SE BASA LA NUEVA SERIE DE DISNEY+</strong></p> <p><strong>La cl?sica novela ?pica sobre el Jap?n feudal que cautiv? el coraz?n de una cultura y la imaginaci?n del mundo, escrita por James Clavell, autor best seller de <em>The New York Times</em> y maestro sin parang?n de la ficci?n hist?rica.</strong></p> <p>Tras perderse en el mar, el ingl?s John Blackthorne despierta en un lugar que pocos europeos conocen y menos a?n han visto: Jap?n. Inmerso en la herm?tica sociedad nipona del siglo XVII, una tierra en la que la l?nea que separa la vida de la muerte es muy fina, Blackthorne debe enfrentarse no s?lo a un pueblo extranjero, con costumbres e idioma desconocidos, sino tambi?n a sus propias definiciones de moralidad, verdad y libertad.</p> <p>A medida que las luchas pol?ticas internas y el choque de culturas conducen a un conflicto aparentemente inevitable, la pasi?n y la p?rdida ponen a prueba a Blackthorne, que se...
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