vagabond vendetta

Vagabond Vendetta【電子書籍】 starkravingnormal


  • <p>Vagabond Vendetta is a, sideways autobiographical fantasy written by The Cardinal - aka Colin Smith ? the front man of the legendary, 1980s punk-band The Blood. The narrator begins his, bizarre story in the Hotel Apocalypse, which is located in the Republic of Frestonia ? a free state which, literally seceded from the United Kingdom in 1977. This graceless, undignified off the wall chimera, is an excruciatingly ironic, and visionary crucifying lexicon of all that is canonized as holy, hallowed and sacred. Amongst many other, bizarre vignettes the narrator - receives an, Ebenezer Scrooge style visitation from the spirit of Michael Cocaine - compels a homophobic Nazi-teen, Oswald Muesli, to play a street cameo role in a version of, Al Jolson's Mammy ? seeks to execute several BBC DJs, and TV presenters, on the globally famous Top of the Pops stage, and thereafter becomes a serial killing, vigilante Coyote.</p> <p>Vagabond Vendetta is the oblique sonic, and stentorian voice of...
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