wang dong

China 039 s Unequal Treaties Narrating National History【電子書籍】 Dong Wang, Research Associate, Fairbank Center of Harvard UniversityFormation and Containment Control for High-order Linear Swarm Systems【電子書籍】 Xiwang DongOcean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction in the South China Sea OCEAN CIRCULATION AIR-SEA IN (Springer Oceanography) Dongxiao WangHigh-frequency Trading And Probability Theory【電子書籍】 Zhaodong WangIntroduction to Transfer Learning Algorithms and Practice【電子書籍】 Jindong WangSummary of Hwang Bo-reum 039 s Book: Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop The heart-warming Korean sensation【電子書籍】 Marietta SummariesBem-vindos livraria Hyunam-dong【電子書籍】 Hwang Bo-ReumSummary of Welcome to Hyunam-Dong Bookshop A Study Guide to Hwang Bo-Reum 039 s Book【電子書籍】 BOOKSMITH INTELLECTSWelcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop WELCOME TO THE HYUNAM-DONG BOO Hwang Bo-ReumSocial Edge Computing Empowering Human-Centric Edge Computing, Learning and Intelligence【電子書籍】 Dong Wang【中古】BODYWORK AND PSYCHOTERAPY IN THE EAST ペーパーバック / Wang Weidong Yuji Sasaki Yutaka Haruki / EburonTheoretical and Experimental Studies on Non-Fourier Heat Conduction Based on Thermomass Theory【電子書籍】 Hai-Dong WangHigh-Performance Computing on the Intel Xeon Phi How to Fully Exploit MIC Architectures【電子書籍】 Endong Wang【K-POP DVD】☆★イケメンブロマンス B2ST キグァン ドンウン(EP1-5)★【日本語字幕あり】【BEAST ビースト Lee Gi Kwang Son Dong Woon KPOP DVD】Longmen 039 s Stone Buddhas and Cultural Heritage When Antiquity Met Modernity in China【電子書籍】 Dong WangThe United States and China A History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present【電子書籍】 Dong WangTse Tsan Tai (1872 1938) An Australian-Cantonese Opinion Maker in British Hong Kong【電子書籍】 Dr Dong Wang, PhDManaging God 039 s Higher Learning U.S.-China Cultural Encounter and Canton Christian College (Lingnan University), 1888-1952【電子書籍】 Dong Wang, Research Associate, Fairbank Center of Harvard UniversityExperimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Cyclohexane and Its Mono-alkylated Derivatives Combustion【電子書籍】 Zhandong WangSocial Sensing Building Reliable Systems on Unreliable Data【電子書籍】 Dong Wang


  • <p>This study, based on primary sources, deals with the linguistic development and polemical uses of the expression Unequal Treaties, which refers to the treaties China signed between 1842 and 1946. Although this expression has occupied a central position in both Chinese collective memory and Chinese and English historiographies, this is the first book to offer an in-depth examination of China's encounters with the outside world as manifested in the rhetoric surrounding the Unequal Treaties. Author Dong Wang argues that competing forces within China have narrated and renarrated the history of the treaties in an effort to consolidate national unity, international independence, and political legitimacy and authority. In the twentieth century, she shows, China's experience with these treaties helped to determine their use of international law. Of great relevance for students of contemporary China and Chinese history, as well as Chinese international law and politics, this book illumi...


  • <p>This book focuses on analysis and design problems for high-order linear time-invariant (LTI) swarm systems (multi-agent systems) to achieve consensus, formation, containment and formation-containment. As a first step, the concepts of practical consensus and formation-containment are introduced. Unlike previous research, the formation in this book can be time-varying. A general framework for consensus, consensus tracking, formation, containment and state formation-containment is presented for the first time.</p> <p>Sufficient/necessary and sufficient conditions, and approaches to designing the protocols for swarm systems to achieve these control objectives, are respectively proposed. Autonomous time-varying formation experiments using five quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are conducted in an outdoor setting to demonstrate the theoretical results.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合...


  • OCEAN CIRCULATION & AIRーSEA IN Springer Oceanography Dongxiao Wang SPRINGER NATURE2022 Hardcover 2022 English ISBN:9789811962615 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science


  • <p>This book is the first of its kind to treat high-frequency trading and technical analysis as accurate sciences. The authors reveal how to build trading algorithms of high-frequency trading and obtain stable statistical arbitrage from the financial market in detail. The authors' arguments are based on rigorous mathematical and statistical deductions and this will appeal to people who believe in the theoretical aspect of the topic.Investors who believe in technical analysis will find out how to verify the efficiency of their technical arguments by ergodic theory of stationary stochastic processes, which form a mathematical background for technical analysis. The authors also discuss technical details of the IT system design for high-frequency trading.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Transfer learning is one of the most important technologies in the era of artificial intelligence and deep learning. It seeks to leverage existing knowledge by transferring it to another, new domain. Over the years, a number of relevant topics have attracted the interest of the research and application community: transfer learning, pre-training and fine-tuning, domain adaptation, domain generalization, and meta-learning.</p> <p>This book offers a comprehensive tutorial on an overview of transfer learning, introducing new researchers in this area to both classic and more recent algorithms. Most importantly, it takes a “student’s” perspective to introduce all the concepts, theories, algorithms, and applications, allowing readers to quickly and easily enter this area. Accompanying the book, detailed code implementations are provided to better illustrate the core ideas of several important algorithms, presenting good examples for practice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばら...


  • <p>This book is a summary of the original work titled "Summary of Hwang Bo-reum's Book: Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop: The heart-warming Korean sensation" It is intended to provide a concise overview of the key concepts, themes, and insights presented in the original book.</p> <p>This summary is not a substitute for reading the complete work, and it does not include all the content, nuance, or context found in the original book. Readers are encouraged to explore the full text of the original book for a comprehensive understanding of the author's ideas and perspectives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>Uma livraria comum num bairro pitoresco poderia passar despercebida. Mas a Livraria Hyunam-dong n?o ? como as outras.</strong></p> <p>Yeongju tem se sentido desmotivada. Sua vida se tornou uma sucess?o de frustra??es e ela sente um vazio eterno no peito. Cansada de viver assim, ela decide deixar tudo para tr?s e colocar em pr?tica um antigo sonho: abrir uma livraria.</p> <p>Desde a inf?ncia, Yeongju encontra conforto nos livros, e abrir uma livraria parece ser a solu??o ideal para os seus problemas. Mas come?ar um neg?cio nunca ? f?cil, e ela precisa aprender que ser uma amante dos livros n?o ? o suficiente para tornar o seu sonho realidade.</p> <p>Conforme vai entendendo como administrar uma livraria, Yeongju tamb?m descobre mais sobre si mesma e quem ela quer ser. Cercada por livros, ela encontra um novo significado para a vida ? medida que a Livraria Hyunam-dong se transforma em um espa?o convidativo para que almas feridas descansem, se curem e descub...


  • <p><strong>NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL BOOK AND IT IS NOT POISED TO BE. THIS IS A SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS OF THE ORIGINAL BOOK!!!</strong></p> <p>Discover the Korean sensation now in English! "Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop" is a heartwarming tale of Yeongju, who ditches her ordinary life to open a bookshop in Seoul. In this cozy haven, characters with past disappointments find solace and learn the art of truly living. A delightful story of acceptance and the transformative magic of books ? a reminder that it's never too late to rewrite your story.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • WELCOME TO THE HYUNAMーDONG BOO Hwang BoーReum Shanna Tan BLOOMSBURY2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781639732425 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction


  • <p>The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) leads to the emergence of edge computing systems that push the training and deployment of AI models to the edge of networks for reduced bandwidth cost, improved responsiveness, and better privacy protection, allowing for the ubiquitous AI that can happen anywhere and anytime. Motivated by the above trend, this book introduces a new computing paradigm, the Social Edge Computing (SEC), that empowers human-centric edge intelligent applications by revolutionizing the computing, intelligence, and the training of the AI models at the edge. The SEC paradigm introduces a set of critical human-centric challenges such as the rational nature of edge device owners, pronounced heterogeneity of the edge devices, real-time AI at the edge, human and AI interaction, and the privacy of the edge users. The book addresses these challenges by presenting a series of principled models and systems that enable the confluence of t...


  • 作者:Wang Weidong Yuji Sasaki Yutaka Harukiメーカー:EburonJAN/ISBN:9789051668117【コンディション説明】可:少ヤケ・少シミあり 数枚カドに折れあり 表紙に少傷みあり 2000年発行※併売品のため稀に品切れの場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。※送料:店舗内同時購入何点買っても【全国一律280円】から♪※ご注文1回の合計3,000円以上で送料無料!!(一部地域を除く)※当日または翌営業日に発送♪ ▼この商品のおすすめカテゴリ▼


  • <p>This book mainly focuses on the theoretical and experimental study of non-Fourier heat conduction behavior. A novel thermomass theory is used as the theoretical basis, which provides a general heat conduction equation for the accurate prediction of non-Fourier heat conduction. In order to prove the validity of this thermomass theory, a large current was used to heat the metallic nanofilm at the minimum temperature of 3 K. The measured average temperature of the nanofilm was notably higher than the prediction of Fourier’s heat diffusion equation, while matching well with the general heat conduction equation. This is the first time that steady non-Fourier heat conduction has been observed. Moreover, this book concerns the role of electron-phonon interaction in metallic nanofilms, which involves the breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law at low temperatures and interfacial thermal resistance at femtosecond timescales. Readers will find useful information on non-Fourier heat conducti...


  • <p>The aim of this book is to explain to high-performance computing (HPC) developers how to utilize the Intel? Xeon Phi? series products efficiently. To that end, it introduces some computing grammar, programming technology and optimization methods for using many-integrated-core (MIC) platforms and also offers tips and tricks for actual use, based on the authors’ first-hand optimization experience.</p> <p>The material is organized in three sections. The first section, “Basics of MIC”, introduces the fundamentals of MIC architecture and programming, including the specific Intel MIC programming environment. Next, the section on “Performance Optimization” explains general MIC optimization techniques, which are then illustrated step-by-step using the classical parallel programming example of matrix multiplication. Finally, “Project development” presents a set of practical and experience-driven methods for using parallel computing in application projects, including how to determine...


  • ※写真は撮影・照明等の関係で、実物と多少異なる場合や改良のため予告なく変更される場合がありますのでご了承ください。★K-POP DVD★


  • <p>This thoroughly researched book provides the first comprehensive history of how a UNESCO World Heritage site on the Central China Plain, Longmen’s caves and the Buddhist statuary of Luoyang, was rediscovered in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Drawing on original research and archival sources in Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, and Swedish, as well as extensive fieldwork, Dong Wang traces the ties between cultural heritage and modernity, detailing how this historical monument has been understood from antiquity to the present. She highlights the manifold traffic and expanded contact between China and other countries as these nations were reorienting themselves in order to adapt their own cultural traditions to newly industrialized and industrializing societies. Unknown to much of the world, Longmen and its mesmerizing modern history takes readers to the heartland of China, known as “Chinese Babylon” a century ago. With remarkable depth and breadth, this book ...


  • <p>Now fully revised and updated, <em>The United States and China</em> offers a comprehensive synthesis of US-Chinese relations from initial contact to the present. Balancing the modern (1784?1949) and contemporary (1949?present) periods, Dong Wang retraces centuries of interaction between two of the world’s great powers from the perspective of both sides. She examines state-to-state diplomacy, as well as economic, social, military, religious, and cultural interplay within varying national and international contexts. As China itself continues to grow in global importance, so too does the US-Chinese relationship, and this book provides an essential grounding for understanding its past, present, and possible futures.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>Who was Tse Tsan Tai? Insurrectionist? Socialite? Patriot? Revolutionary?</strong></p> <p>Born and raised in Australia and trained in Anglo-Hong Kong’s civil service, Tse Tsan Tai (1872?1938) was all of these and more. A first native media man and anti-Qing patriot, he advocated independent thinking and a free China. Through the lens of his life, this book explores a composite identity, touching on themes of diaspora, religion, colonialism, civil society, science, and revolutions in Qing and Nationalist China.</p> <p>Ideal reading for students of Asian Studies, East Asian Studies, Diaspora Studies, Chinese and Hong Kong History, international Relations, Indo-Pacific Studies, Colonial Studies, Cultural History, Sociology, and related courses, this fascinating course reading uses biography to ask the question: what were the original ideals for republicanism in China?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願い...


  • <p><em>Managing God's Higher Learning</em> offers a distinct empirical study of Lingnan University and addresses issues of adaptation and integration. Author, Dong Wang, demonstrates that many aspects of Lingnan ー governance, links with the local society, financial management, education for women ー have either never been made the subject of scholarly discussion or are different from what we think we know about U.S.-China relations in the past. As the first co-educational institution of higher learning in China, Lingnan made monumental strides in the management of programs for women, a fact which confounds the assumptions made by China historians. The author argues that Lingnan's growth, resilience and success can partly be accounted for by entrepreneurial operations. Wang also contends that Lingnan found ways to adapt and "layer" a Christian presence at a time when the nationalization and secularization of higher education was making rapid headway. Based on information from ...


  • <p>This thesis investigates the combustion chemistry of cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane, and ethylcyclohexane on the basis of state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation photoionization mass spectrometry experiments, quantum chemistry calculations, and extensive kinetic modeling. It explores the initial decomposition mechanism and distribution of the intermediates, proposes a novel formation mechanism of aromatics, and develops a detailed kinetic model to predict the three cycloalkanes’ combustion properties under a wide range of conditions. Accordingly, the thesis provides an essential basis for studying much more complex cycloalkanes in transport fuels and has applications in engine and fuel design, as well as emission control.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Increasingly, human beings are sensors engaging directly with the mobile Internet. Individuals can now share real-time experiences at an unprecedented scale. <em>Social Sensing: Building Reliable Systems on Unreliable Data</em> looks at recent advances in the emerging field of social sensing, emphasizing the key problem faced by application designers: how to extract reliable information from data collected from largely unknown and possibly unreliable sources. The book explains how a myriad of societal applications can be derived from this massive amount of data collected and shared by average individuals. The title offers theoretical foundations to support emerging data-driven cyber-physical applications and touches on key issues such as privacy. The authors present solutions based on recent research and novel ideas that leverage techniques from cyber-physical systems, sensor networks, machine learning, data mining, and information fusion.</p> <ul> <li>Offers a unique...
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